Chapter 27 I'm Scared

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Author's note: At one point Denki tricked Bakugou into agreeing to go to the mall with the class. I completely forgot about that and never wrote them going... so let me know if you would like to read about that.

TW: Flashbacks, kidnapping, Nightmares, panic attack, and severe tics!!!

Bakugou's POV:

After dinner, we all got ready for bed.

(Some of the idiots didn't go to bed yet though...)

The kid was set up in the spare room right next to pink cheeks dorm.

"But I don't want to go to bed."

She said with a pout.

I was getting a little tired of all the pouting.

"Ya know kid, you're lucky my mom ain't here. She would of smacked you for pouting like that."

That's when Deku lightly punched my arm.

"Kacchan, you can't say things like that!"

He whisper screamed.

"Why? I didn't swear, and my mom says stuff like that all the time."

He sighed.

"You know what, never mind."

He turned to the little girl.

"Come on, let's get you tucked in."

I  decided to head to bed as well. Since it was getting late.

I read for a little while, but I got tired pretty quickly.

I soon fell asleep.

Dream starts here:

I felt cold. I couldn't see, and I felt something holding my hands in place.

Someone removed the blindfold from my eyes. I looked around at the people holding me hostage.

That's when I remembered being dragged through the portal, with Deku's terrified eyes watching me being taken.

"What do you want with me?!"

Their crusty looking leader was the one who responded.

"We've seen how the heroes have hurt you. How they locked you up like a monster. They've hurt us to... we want you on our team."

"Go fuck yourself you useless piece of unwanted shit! Why don't you go get a real job, instead of tormenting teenagers into joining your league of fuck ups?!"

"I told you he wouldn't join us boss."

The one that looks like my mother's leather handbag said.

"Can I drink his blood?!"

The girl who looked around my age practically squealed.

"No, we're not hurting him! We want him to join us."

"Why the fuck would I leave the heroes that chained me up, just to join a league of fuck ups who also chained me up?!"

They looked around at each other. Seemingly processing the words that were just spat at them.

This entire situation had my adrenaline through the roof, and my heart beat skyrocketing.

It was nearly impossible to keep from ticking, but I was surrounded by enemies that I couldn't afford to let see my weakness. 

"Unchain him."

The leader said.

"But boss-"

"He's not going to join us if we treat him the same way those fake heroes treat him."

The leader cut him off.

"Fine, but if he gets away, I'm not taking the blame."

The burnt mother fucker practically growled.

They unchained my hands, which I was both glad and worried about.

Now it was going to be a whole hell of a lot harder to hide my tics.

My head snapped to the side. Seemingly startling everyone in the room.

"The fuck was that?!"

The leather handbag yelled.

I just glared at him, refusing to answer any questions.

That's when I ticked again.


My fist slammed into the side of my head.

Most of them seemed shocked by my tics.

The leader cocked his head to the side... just examining me I think.

My head swung down, hitting my shoulder repeatedly.

I was scared. I was not in control. I was in a room filled with villains that either wanted to recruit or kill me. I wanted my teachers, my friends, anyone to just save me, hug me, let me know everything was going to be alright.


I ticked, slamming my head in the other direction.

The leaders face seemed to hold concern. Which pissed me the fuck off. The last person I wanted to pity me was a Fucking villain!

I dropped to my knees, both fists slamming into my temples again and again.

"Ohhhhhh... they're tics... he probably has tourettes or something similar."

I heard the girl say over my string of cuss words.

Realization seemed to wash over the leaders face.

"Damn it, we probably caused this! We need to get him calmed down."

He reached toward me to provide comfort I think.

That's when All Might smashed through the wall.

Dream ends here:

I flew out of bed...

I couldn't breathe...

I was still scared...


I could hear myself whisper.

My tics were bad... like really bad. I practically threw myself out of bed.

I was on the ground, unable to stop myself... my head ended up hitting my metal bed frame.

It felt like my skull had been split open.

I know it hadn't since there wasn't any blood... but my vision was fuzzy, and I couldn't think straight.

I couldn't breathe... I  was panicking...

"help... my chest hurts..."

I could feel hot tears running down my face...


Author's note:

Oof, this got angsty...

And I still gave you a Cliffhanger!

I'm evil arnt I?

Anyway... thoughts and feelings? Ideas for other chapters?


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