Chapter 6

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Naruto bolted up at the speed of light from the sudden break out so early in the morning, accidentally hitting her elbow on the edge of her bedside table.

'What the hell, Kura?!' She rubbed her now slightly bleeding elbow and inwardly cried, a pout forming on her face.

'I've been trying to wake you up for the last 2 hours.'

"Why, though?" She whined, crawling back and hiding under the covers.

'Why? Well, because you're now 2 hours late for school.'

"I'm not. Isn't an off day?"

'No, that was yesterday.'

"HUH?! 2 HOURS LATE?! WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME??" She frantically jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom, taking a quick shower. Then she brushed her teeth and hair, putting the hideous 'kill me now' orange jumpsuit on. She rushed downstairs quickly eating, an apple and banana, all in record timing. She frantically opened the door only to come to a sudden halt.


Kurama was rolling on the floor laughing like crazy, tears forming at the corners of his eyes. "You- you should have seen your face. You were rushing everywhere!" He was still on the ground when he heard Naruto stumbling towards him.

"Kura-nii, that wasn't very nice. I could've had at least another hour or two of sleep. The fucking sun hasn't even risen yet." She lazily rubbed her eyes then looked at the clock next to the door. 5:42 am.

"The academy doesn't even start for another two hours. I'm going back to bed." She was about to make her way back upstairs when she was held back by her collar.

"Not so fast. Going to sleep now would be useless. We're going to go to school now." A sly grin flashed onto Kurama's face as he pulled the now angry Naruto out of the house.

"The Genin exams are today, so if you want to pass, then your mask can finally come off."

"What do you mean 'if' of course I'm going to pass. Have you forgotten who you are talking to?" A smirk appeared on her lips as she continued to walk in front of Kurama.

"Why don't we go get breakfast? You only ate an apple and a banana, right?"

"Yeah, but I don't feel like eating. Want to watch the sunrise instead?"


"Don't ever do that again. You sound like duck-butt." She scrunched he nose in disgust and cringed at Kurama.

"Whatever, you like him, don't deny it." A smirk appeared on his face as Naruto suddenly stopped.

"Kurama, are you okay? You seem a little off today. I FUCKING HATE THAT DUCK ASS!" Kurama blocked his ears as they were beginning to bleed.

"Fuck, you scared half the birds in the entire town away. Damn! You could be louder than the banshee!!"


"Haha. Okay, I swear I'll never do it again, okay. And that thing with Sasuke, nope, if you do like him, then too bad. I'm not giving you to him! You're my baby sister."

"Wow, overprotective much? Don't worry. I don't like him."

"You better not, 'cause you're still too young!"

"TOO YOUNG?! I'll have you know, I'm already 16!"

"Exactly, too young."

They body flickered to the Hokage monument and stared as the sun slowly rose, illuminating the sky and earth with its beautiful and warm light.

"You know what? I'll never get used to this. Watching the sunrise, that is."

"Yeah? But we seriously need to get to the academy nom. Class is about to start." Naruto stood up from where she was sitting and looked up at Kurama.

"I fucking hate the academy. My mask is the stupid kid that shows up late and does nothing. If I go now, it'll raise suspicion."

"You don't want to go to the academy, huh?"

"WHOA! How'd you read my mind?!" She faked a surprise face then scowled before looking back at the sun.

"That's it. You're coming with me." He hastily picked Naruto up and carried her to the academy, disappearing before anyone could see him.

'Fuck you too, Kurama.'

'It's for your good, now concentrate.'

'There is nothing to concentrate on' She went to her regular seat in the back and sat down, looking out the window.

'Well, then start thinking what you're going to do when you finally take the mask off. Imagine everyone's faces. Oh, would you look at that it's duck-butt'

Naruto looked up and saw, waiting by the door, a stupid ass duck-butt. Said duck-butt looked up with a slightly surprised look on his face.

"What are you looking at?"

'Naruto, not now. Your mask is slipping.'

"I-I mean... WHATCHU STARING AT!!" She stood on the table she was sitting at and pointed in the duck-butts direction.

"Hn" Sasuke responded before he walked to his seat. It just so happened to be directly in front of Naruto's.

'Phew, that was a close one!'

'I can't believe you, Naruto!'

'Calm down, Kura-nii. It's not like he knows or anything.'

'Didn't you two know each other when you were younger, like before the academy?'

'None of your business!'

'Whatever, don't blow it. Now I'm going to sleep, cya!'

'Lazy ass fox'

A few minutes later, everyone started filing in one by one. A few minutes after the class was full of students, the teacher walked in.

"Everyone sit down. As you all know, today is your Genin exam. When I call your name, I want you to come over to that room over there. I will be assessing you on your skills. Do you have any questions?"

The entire room stayed silent. The only sound heard was a yawn from Shikamaru.

"Okay, let us begin!" The teacher said, clapping their hands.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 ⏰

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