Chapter 5

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What Naruto looks like without the genjutsu ^^^ + Naru is now 16, I did change it a bit from the original to make it less uncomfortable for people



"CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!!" I mocked the multiple Jonin as I started speeding up. I quickly disguised myself as a wall and watched them run past me.

"And they call themselves Jonin?" I quickly ran in the opposite direction but was stopped when I went to take a left at the corner.

"And where do you think you're going?"

'Damn you, Iruka!'

And just like that, I was dragged back to where all child slavery happens.


My ass hurts. Couldn't have Iruka carried me instead of dragging me on my ass? 'Kurama, how much longer 'till I graduate?'

'A few more days. I seriously can't wait 'till you graduate. We haven't been on a mission in 10 years. I'm getting old, and you're getting rusty.'

'Excuse you, I've been training every day for the past 13 years, and you don't fucking age remember?' Iruka just dropped me ass first in front of the whole class. Now my ass hurts even worse.

"Okay, Naruto, I've had it up 'till here with your shenanigans." Iruka starts while putting his hand by his brow. "You've failed the graduation test the last time and the time before that. Tomorrow you have another chance, and you're messing up again."

'If only you knew who I was, Iruka, your ass would be 10 feet deep long ago.'

I decided to give him an attitude to see what he would do. I hmphed then looked away with a pout on my lips.

"THAT'S IT! Since you missed it, Naruto, everyone will have to go over the transformation jutsu again!"

Everyone in the classroom groaned, even Kura-nii, while I rolled my eyes. Well, I expected that.


"Sakura Haruno, you're up next."

Okay, this screaming of a banshee and her non-existing boobs are seriously getting on my last fucking nerve. She'll be the first to die when I go back to myself. She did her lame-ass transformation and jumped up in excitement for who knows what reason. That wasn't even a good fucking transformation.

"Well done. Sasuke Uchiha."

Now, this duck ass is nothing but brooding emo, if only Itachi could see him now. I fucking hate him and his dramatic duck butt ass. Wow, that one sucked as much as the last. Thinking he's so cool doing it without using hand signals and without saying the words. I can do it in my damn sleep.

"Good, now Naruto, it's your turn."

I decided to tease them and transform myself into my actual self but butt naked. *Poof*

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT, NARUTO?!" Yup, Iruka sensei got a fucking nosebleed. What a perv.

"Liked it? I call it my Sexy Jutsu." A smirk found its way toward my lips. I walked out of the classroom after turning back with Iruka still yelling curses behind me.

'One more day, one more fucking day, and this genjutsu can come off.'

'FINALLY' I could tell Kurama was having a mini celebration in my mind.

I made my way home, not wanting to stay another minute in that classroom, that was until

'Not these guys again. What do I do now, Kura?'

'Maybe you can beat their asses this time. Last time you went below the baby level when fighting them.'

'I can't do that, they're villagers, and even if I do hit them, it will only prove that I am a monster!'

'Okay, maybe don't hit them, but show them a bit of respect?'

"What do you want this time?" These whores are wasting my time, and I'm tired, so they better be quick.

"Oh, nothing, ya know, the usual." A smirk formed on all of their ugly faces as they started to make their way towards me.

"Okay, but right now, I'm a bit tired, so maybe next time." I quickly body flickered myself back to my house and walked into my room, collapsing on my bed.

'Kura-nii, how much longer? This genjutsu is so fucking annoying. It's like an invisible bra, but over my entire body.'

'Stop complaining. Less than 24 hours, and you're good to go.'

'Yaaaaayyyy!' I had a mental party in my head along with Kura-nii, then out of nowhere, sleep came over me.


Words : 704

Naruto started the academy 2 years early. She used both years to get used to the academy and failed both years to graduate the same year as Sasuke. She was put on the graduating year both years under Hokage's orders and then placed in Sauke's class when she failed her first 2 years.

Sorry for the long wait people, I kind of lost the will to do anything for the longest time, but I will try to update at least 3 to 4 times a month!! Thank you so much for being patient with me. *Bows*

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