Chapter 2

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Naru POV

I wake up with everything around me being a bright white color. I look around me and see Jiji asleep on a chair that's by my bed to the left. ' I'm in the hospital, god, I hate this place.' I look down at my body and see my wounds already healed. 'Thanks, Kurama.' I mentally say with a smile on my face, turning back to Jiji to try and get out of this place.

" Jiji!" I say, trying to wake him up without alerting any of the nurses. " Jiji, wake up, I wanna get out of this place!" I desperately say. He started stirring in his sleep when his eyes shot open. He looked over at me with tears forming in his eyes.

" Naru, thank kami, you're okay! I th- thought you were d- dead." He says halfway through tears. I look him dead in the eyes saying " Why didn't you tell me? You knew all along, yet you didn't bother telling me anything!" He seemed genuinely confused for a bit until the realization of what I was talking about hit him harder than old age. " How- how did you find out?" He asked with his voice wavering. " I met the Kyuubi. HE told me everything. How he attacked the village because the Sharingan was controlling him, who my parents were, EVERYTHING!! HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME WHO MY PARENTS WERE?!?! INSTEAD, I HAD TO FIND OUT FROM SOMEONE I JUST MET!! I TRUSTED YOU, JIJI!! HOW COULD YOU?!?!" I said, getting more and more emotional as time passed.

" I'm sorry Naruto, I didn't want you to know anything, I desired for you to grow up and live a regular life." He said, looking down at his hands.

" Regular life, my ass! You have no idea what I have been through this past year. Getting beat to near-death every time I walked down the road, getting thrown out of every shop for having a beast inside you. YOU KNOW NOTHING!!" I gritted my teeth, trying not to scream too loud and notify the nurses in the hospital that I'm awake.

" Naruto, I know I haven't done much to prove how much I care for you, but I do. I swear on your parents' grave that I will look out for you from now on, I promise." He says while holding out his pinky to me. I looked at his hand then back to his eyes. I slowly reach out to his pinky with my pinky. Interlocking our pinky fingers, we promised that he would look after me, correctly, from now on. " Let's get you out of this hospital." He stated with a smile on his face. I smiled back as he picks me up and puts me on his shoulders. We walk out of the hospital and into his office. " Kit, do you wanna become stronger, so shit like this never happens again?" I hear a voice at the back of my head immediately know that it's Kurama." HECK YEAH!" I scream into my mindscape, hoping I wasn't too loud. " Good, we start tomorrow."

Jiji and I entered his office. He puts me down on a chair across from his desk then goes around to sit on his chair behind his desk. He reached into his bottom left drawer and pulled out the false bottom to reach the old thick book under it.

" This is a photo book. It's filled with your parent's old memories of their friends and acquaintances. I was to give it to you when you were of age, but now that you know there's no reason for it not to be yours."

Jiji then reaches across from himself and hands me the old book with an envelope. " This is a letter your parents wrote before you were born in case something happened."

3rd POV

Naruto opened the envelope and pulled out a neatly folded piece of paper. Hiruzen looked at her astonished that Naruto could read at her age. After reading the letter, Naruto broke into tears of both happiness and sorrow. " Thank you, Jiji."

" No problem. Now wipe those tears off your face, and then we'll go out for ramen. How does that sound?"

" YAY, LET'S GO NOW!" She says excitedly running out the door


To our precious daughter Naruto,

Please know that your father and I love you more than anything and that we will keep loving you even after the end of time. We're sorry for the burden we have placed on you. We'll regret it even in our afterlife. It was the only way we could think of at that moment to save the village. Once your father finishes sealing Kurama into you, you will be a hero to the people. If this pitiful world doesn't appreciate that, then we'll make sure to send Kurama to rip their puny human bodies to shreds and feed their souls to the Grim. We hope the life you're living is the one we would've wished you to have.

Take care of yourself, my beautiful baby, Mama, and Papa love you forever and always.

Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze


Original word count: N/A

Word count: 883

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