Chapter 5

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(The next day)

Reid was tired from last night and didn't get much sleep so he came in with a huge cup of coffee he bought on his way into work. He went straight to his desk and place his coat on the chair.
"I want the team in the briefing room in 5" Hotch says walking from his office into the briefing room.
Reid sees Morgan coming towards him.
"Hey Morgan did you-"Reid asked halfway through a question but Morgan just walked straight past him as if he didn't exist. Reid was very confused by this and was actually quite hurt at this.

Reid walked into the briefing room where everyone already was and sat down next to Morgan who continued to ignore him and not even look in his direction.
"Right everyone last night a young man was murdered. Blood force trauma to the head. Luckily for us the murder happened close to us to we can stay at headquarters while some of us can go to the crime scene 20 minutes from here" JJ stated.
"Okay so I want Gideon and Prentiss to go to the crime scene and see what has happened. After you have gotten everything you need come back here. Remember we are only here to help on the sidelines don't go overboard" Hotch said.
"Okay" Gideon and Prentiss replied before standing up and leaving.
"The rest of you have 10 minutes to finish and work to still have unfinished before coming back into here to discuss the case" Hotch said before standing up and leaving the room with the rest of the team following.
Reid came out of the room last and called to Morgan who ignored him. Reid called again still no answer so he ran up to Morgan grabbing his shoulder and pulling Morgan to face him.
"What is wrong with you couldn't you tell I've been trying to get your attention" Reid asks looking at Morgan.
Morgan looks at him but says nothing and try's to walk away but Reid grabs hold of him and doesn't let him go.
"What wrong what's the problem?" Reid asked again more concerned that annoyed.
Morgan once again does not answer and avoids eye contact with Reid.
"Morgan..." Reid said.
"YOU ALRIGHT" Morgan yells getting the attention of everyone in the room including Hotch who comes out of his office at the outburst.
"What I.. I don't understand" Reid said clearly startled and upset by what Morgan said.
Morgan put his head in his hand before looking up at Reid. "I need to talk to you right now" Morgan starts to head off to an empty room and Reid follows him then closes the door.

"What was that"Garcia asks coming into the room.
"That was Morgan shouting at Reid" JJ replied
"Why!! What happened??" Garcia questions looking at Hotch and JJ.
"We don't know Morgan just snapped"JJ said.
"Do you know Hotch" Garcia looks at Hotch.
"No I don't" Hotch replies looking through the window of the room Reid and Morgan are arguing in quickly smiling before covering it up with a cough.

A few minutes later Reid storms out of the room but Morgan grabs hold of his arm and pulls him back.
"Let me go" Reid angrily shakes his arm free. "I can't believe after years of knowing me and months of dating you still don't trust me"
"Well what was that photo then" Morgan growls.
"I don't know but whatever it is must have be photoshopped or something because I would never do that to you" Reid snaps back.
"Photo what photo" JJ asks Hotch.
"I don't know but we need to stop this immediately" Hotch said walking up to Reid and Morgan and stepping in between the two. "I don't know what has happened between you two but you can discuss it later we need to go back into the briefing room and the rest of us want some peace and quiet. You both got that."
"Yes Hotch" Morgan answers with Reid just nodding in response.
"Good now all of you to the briefing room"

Everyone talked in the briefing room before they got a call from Gideon and Prentiss.
"Any news on the case" Hotch asked.
"Yes we had a lot of help from one of the leading detectives however I think he may be leaving something out" Prentiss replied.
"Really" Morgan said.
"Or he is lying about something" Gideon added.
"Sounds like someone we know" Morgan uttered.
"Right that's it will you just cut it out" Reid yelled slamming his hands onto the table startling the whole team. "I didn't do anything I can't believe you trust a random number more than your boyfriend"
"That's ex-boyfriend to you" Morgan yelled back causing Reid's face to looked pained and hurt. Reid looks and Morgan for a moment before leaving the room closing the door behind him.
Morgan places his elbows on the table and puts his head in his hands and sighed.
"Right we are placing this case on hold until you tell us what's wrong right now" Garcia said looking towards Morgan.
"Yes what could Reid have done that's caused you to be so angry" JJ asks.
Morgan looks up at the team and then leans back into his chair. "I received a photo from a unknown number"Morgan began
"A photo of what" Prentiss asked.
"A photo of Reid" Morgan replied with pain and anger clear in his eyes.

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