Chapter 8

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Everyone had been briefed on the new information and began to head out the room to organise everything they had been assigned. Reid was one of the first out and headed straight to his desk. He sat down and began going through some of the notes totally absorbed into his own little world. 20 minutes had passed and he was still working not even looking up for a second before Hotch walked into the room briefly stepping out of his office.
"Prentiss I need you in my office for a moment" Hotch spoke looking at Prentiss before his eyes wandered towards Reid and the second their eyes connected he smiled.
Reid could feel his cheeks start to heat up and he could tell he was blushing so he stood up and headed towards the bathroom to calm himself down.
Hotch waited for Prentiss and then entered the office and everything continued on as if nothing had just happened. Nobody had noticed anything different beside Morgan who has been studying Reid quite closely for the last 20 minutes instead of doing what he was meant to be doing. Morgan was pissed off. Reid and Hotch had something going on before they had even stepped into the office and Morgan had tried his best to ignore this but now.... how could he ignore this.

Morgan stood up and headed straight to the bathroom which Reid had just entered.
"Hey Morgan in the report it says that-" Garcia had started but Morgan cut her off.
"Not right now Garcia I'll talk to you in a second" Morgan said walking straight past her and into the bathroom.

"Does Morgan seem okay to you?"Garcia asks walking over to Gideon who had just made himself a coffee.
"Well he and Reid had a bad break up over a false photo so it would be understandable if he isn't feeling 100%." Gideon answered sipping his coffee.
"I guess so" Garcia sighed looking worryingly towards the bathroom door.

Morgan has just walked into the bathroom to see Reid splashing his face with cold water. He stood there and watched until Reid saw him at the door. Reid turned off the tap and wiped the water from his face before looking towards Morgan. They both stood there looking at each other which felt like forever until Morgan broke eye contact and began to speak.
"I'm going to be up front about this Reid"Morgan's started "what's going on between you and Hotch"
"Nothing"Reid answered and began stepping towards Morgan and towards the door.
Morgan puts his hand on the wall blocking the exit and stared Reid down.
"I'm not stupid Reid. Other people may not notice but I sure as hell do" Morgan stared.
Reid looked right and Morgan. "It's none of your business now is it. It's not like your my boyfriend."
Morgan was taken aback by this response and stepped back a little, hurt by the comment that just came out of Reid's mouth.
"Now let me out" Reid stated heading to the exit.
Reid was right in front of Morgan and was about to pass him when Morgan grabbed him and pinned him against the wall.
"I'm sorry alright" Morgan said " I may not be your boyfriend but that doesn't mean I no longer love you and I hate what is happening with you and Hotch.
Morgan lowered his head and when he brought it back up to meet Reid's eyes his own eyes were in tears.
Reid was speechless. This man who he had never seen cry was crying. This man who was always so strong was falling apart right in front of him. He didn't know what to do so he wrapped his arms around Morgan and held his head towards his chest.
"I still love you too dummy but.. but.." Reid began and without realising he felt tears running down his face. He had began to cry as well.
"You know I still love you but you didn't trust me and that.. that's not easy to just come back from. You need to work for it, you need to earn my trust again and that will take time" Reid ended, lifting Morgan's head up and smiling before pushing him back. He wiped his tears away and headed out of the bathroom with his head down.

Morgan was left in the bathroom. He leaned back against the wall and put his hand towards his head and placed it on his forehead.
"Who knew.. who knew what this man could do to me" Morgan looked down at the floor and remembered what Reid had just said. "I will earn your trust back Reid I will" Morgan thought smiling to himself.

He will be mine!! (SpencerXMorganXHotch)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin