Chapter 4

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My body went rigid on the sofa. Clark did the same next to me. Silence filled the room as Heath went back to pacing. He had finally found his mate, and she was human. Heath had searched for so long, waited patiently to find her. Now here she was, in Victoria for a short period of time and his life just became a lot more complicated. It was rare for a werewolf and a human to become fated mates. When it did occur it was very difficult for the werewolf because they felt the pull of the bond immediately but the human did not. For humans, there isn't a biological mating pull. They experience more of a free will type of love, so they have to experience courting and dating before they can bond with a mate. I had never personally met a couple who were human and werewolf, but it was said to be a very difficult relationship.

"Human..." I said aloud finally. Heath stopped and stared at me, his eyes full of uncertainty. He nodded. I let out a soft breath, resting my back against the sofa. Clark rubbed small circles against my shoulder.

"Did you talk to her?" Clark asked. Heath shook his head, "No, I just stared at her for a bit. She was there with a guitar. I think she busks. I thought about going up to her but what would I say? Hi, I'm Heath Duffey, I'm a werewolf from Black Lake in the Northwest Territories and you are my mate. Oh also I am the Alpha so you are my Luna, so let's go dear, I'm taking you away from your life here and back with me to an isolated community."

Clark and I both started laughing. Heath shot us an annoyed look, "It's not funny guys, I would sound like a serial killer." I nodded apologetically, Clark did not, he continued to giggle. I elbowed my mate in the ribs, "So what do you want to do? Go back and talk to her?"

Heath sat down in the chair across from us. He shook his head, "No, I don't think I can do that. How am I supposed to handle this? How can I have a human mate? How can she possibly understand our world?" He was so distressed.

"So what? Are you going to reject her?" Clark asked, sounding annoyed. Heath shrugged, "I might have to." Clark stared at his brother for a moment, he removed his arm from around my shoulders and moved forward to rest his forearms on his knees. He looked at Heath for a moment before he spoke slowly, "Brother, you need to listen to me right now. This human woman isn't just a regular girl, she is a gift from the Moon Goddess. Fate works in mysterious ways Heath, you know that. This woman is your destiny, if you don't embrace that you will regret it for the rest of your life. Don't be stupid."

Heath stared at his brother, "Come on man, she's human. How can this possibly work? She won't understand anything about our world. This will be a disaster before it even begins."

"Can you imagine if I hadn't found Charlotte? She is my mate, my other half, the best thing in my life. Who would I have been without her? You've been walking around with half a soul for too long, you need to go and get her. No matter how hard it is, I can guarantee it's worth it." Clark told him. I smiled at my mate, he was so wonderful. I rubbed his back softly. Clark smiled at me, leaning in to kiss my lips gently.

Heath closed his eyes for a moment and clenched his hands into fists. He left the room without a word, retreating to his room and closing the door. I leaned over into Clark's arms and sighed. "I can't believe him." He muttered into my hair.

"Clark, remember you met me at the mating exhibition for werewolves. We are the same from similar families. Not all bonds are easy, you taught me that. Look at Marie and Anthony or Michael and Stella. You and I are lucky; we are the same but not everyone is as blessed as we are." I reminded him.

He nodded silently, groaning and pulled me closer. "We need to be supportive of your brother. He is already under tremendous stress." I added. Clark looked at me and chuckled, "When did you become so Luna?"

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