Chapter 6

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The speaker in the afternoon was a bit boring, I had to use the washroom before we headed out. I returned to find Clark and Heath in the foyer waiting for me. My mate wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me towards the exit, "Let's go home. I am exhausted." I reach my head up to his, kissing his cheek. We walk together slowly out of the hotel, down the street towards our destination. Heath is staring down at his phone, smiling constantly.

"So, what's our Luna's name?" I finally ask playfully. Heath's eyes shoot to me, blushing, "Anna Munchuck. She's twenty-two, originally from Chilliwack. She bartends at a local pub in the evenings and busks during the day." I nodded.

"I'm picking her up after work tonight. Anna agreed to let me drive her home. She's very brave." He told us.

As we walked, I noticed the sky was so beautiful and blue. Clear of clouds, a soft breeze coming off the waterfront. The ocean smelled so salty and delicious. I leaned into Clark's side as we walked, tucking my hand into his back pocket. He chuckled at my action. When we arrived at the B&B I headed inside to start preparing dinner for all of us. The boys remained outside. I raised an eyebrow to my mate inquisitively, he just nodded at me.

I prepared a large spinach and raspberry salad to accompany the salmon. The kitchen was a bit sparse in the spice department so I took out my herb bag to get some lemongrass. I was starting to miss our kitchen back home, Amy and Tabitha kept an amazing spice cupboard. I missed home already, I realized. Now was as good a time as any to call to chat. When Cheryl picked up the phone we talked about Hayes, he was doing really well. My heart fell a little, I secretly wished he missed us a bit more.

"How was the first day?" she asked me. I was stirring up the spices for the salmon, "It was alright. We are having my father over for dinner tonight which will be nice. I went to a geography panel, it was interesting. I was the only woman in it though."

Cheryl sighed knowingly, "Some things haven't changed I see. I remember being the only woman in many rooms over the years. You and I are similar, Charlotte, we don't let all that testosterone intimidate us." I laughed out loud, "Indeed mom, we don't. When I asked questions I felt like some of the Alphas were amazed I could speak." She let a small growl escape her throat, I'd never heard my mother in law growl before.

"Neanderthals..." she muttered. "It's alright Cheryl, you know I am not shy. Besides, I've had many strong teachers in my life to show me how to be a strong leader." I reminded her. I thought of my grandma Daisy, my own mother, Cheryl and Rose. So many strong women in my life have made me who I am today, I was proud of that.

"Right, I know dear. You are right. How are my sons doing?" she asked. I smiled, "They are both good. They went to the tactical panel today. The speaker they had today wasn't very interesting. His talk was about the importance of family and pack pride. Things Black Lake is already strong on so it didn't really apply to us. I don't even remember the man's name to be honest." I was a bit embarrassed, realizing I had tuned out of the speakers' talk on more than one occasion.

I thought about Heath and his exciting news, but it wasn't mine to share. It took all my strength to refrain from sharing the news about Anna with Cheryl. Instead I shared about Anthony, "We did see Anthony and his Beta today. My father hadn't seen him since the exhibition last year. It was a very awkward encounter."

Cheryl's breath caught in her throat, "Oh of course he would be there. He wouldn't bring Marie though would he? She would be too far along to fly right now."

"No, she is staying home at Rocky Mountain. I talked to her the day before we flew out." I told her. "What is that boy like now?" she asked.

I sighed, I hadn't shared too much about what had happened when Clark and I visited Rocky Mountain months back. Michael had suspected he may have shared that with Cheryl but I didn't know for sure. Clark hadn't talked about anything either but he made no bones about how he felt about Anthony anymore. Whenever a member of our family circle mentioned the young Alpha's name my mate would scoff, roll his eyes or growl lowly. More than once the Duffey's had asked how my sister was at dinner, when Anthony came up Clark's physical reaction would leave them perplexed but they never asked questions.

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