Chapter 8

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It was almost 8pm when Heath finally came through the door. We had eaten our supper hours before, but I had leftovers just in case he was hungry. He looked exhausted when he walked in, sighing as he shut the front door behind himself, "I'm sorry about today guys, I feel bad about it."

"You should!" Clark snapped, "I texted you lots and you didn't even respond." I glared at my mate. Heath's head fell, he knew his brother would be annoyed with him.

"I'm sorry alright. I knew you would be ticked off. I had to be with her though, if I hadn't taken today with Anna I wouldn't get another chance at it." Heath told us. I understood, smiling softly at my brother in law. Clark let out a huff, crossing his arms over his chest.

"So, how did it go?" I finally asked, almost squealing with excitement. Heath chuckled, pushing his hands in his pockets sheepishly, "Well, she likes me... a lot. I told her I feel a pull with her, she found that very romantic. I told her about where we live, she said it sounds scary. I showed her some pictures of Black Lake, after that she was a bit more relaxed about it."

I nodded enthusiastically, "Have you told her yet?" Heath shook his head, "Not yet. I'm building up to it. We are spending the day together tomorrow."

Clark's face changed to show anger, "What are you talking about!? Charlotte and I are the key notes tomorrow and you are blowing it off? What the hell, just see her after the conference tomorrow!"

"I can't, she has to work. I don't have a choice here, Clark." Heath argued, annoyed himself.

My mate shook his head, "You are completely neglecting your duty to our pack!" Clark stepped up to his brother's face, staring down at him, "I am not the Alpha, you are. You should act like it."

Heath met his brother's gaze, equal in his annoyance, "Don't lecture me Clark, I am trying to bring our Luna home. That is also my duty to my pack. In case you have forgotten your mate has been filling in a lot of extra work because we don't have a Luna. I am doing my best to change that. So why don't you get off your high horse and help me out!"

"All I do is help you out Heath! My entire life is about helping you out, giving you my A game. I'm your Beta, that is my job! You are letting us down right now man and you know it!" Clark hissed. I took a few steps back into the kitchen, fixing myself a glass of water. I decided not to get involved between the two of them, it appeared they had some things to work out so I did my best to avoid the middle.

"OH yes, I am letting you down, that's fair isn't it!? I have put our pack first for my entire life, since I knew I would become the Alpha. I put my life on hold for Black Lake more times than I can count so don't you dare lecture me about that!" Heath hissed.

Clark chuckled antagonistically, "You are so full of shit! You spend tons of time traveling around the territory and across the country having a good time. Don't act like it was a hardship!"

"What have you EVER had to do for responsibility Clark, huh? All you ever had to do was show up. Second born, runner up! You have maybe a tenth of the responsibility I have and you still complain about it. Well you can suck it up because Anna is for me, she is my reward for putting up with all the crap I've had to put up with for all these years!" Heath shouted, Clark's face was stunned.

"What crap? You have had no crap from me, I have supported you all the way. I've been completely loyal to you!" Clark shot back. Heath reached out and gave his brother a small shove. My heart started to pound in my chest, their conflict was escalating to a physical place.

"Back off baby brother, you are not in charge of me. You are only loyal to me because you have to be so don't pretend it is out of some kind of brotherly love! I am so sick of your goody two shoes attitude; we both know you aren't as great as you like to think you are!" Heath shot, pushing his index finger into Clark's chest, "You think because you got lucky and found your mate first you are so great! Well I am going to tell you that if I wanted to I could have taken her from you, but I didn't because I am that good of an Alpha. You only have the life you have because I ALLOW you to. That son of yours could have been MINE!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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