Chapter 7

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Clark had received a text from Heath at midnight telling us he would be staying the night with Anna. He also said he wasn't attending the conference the following day, Anna was going to take him around Victoria. They were going to spend the day together.

Clark and I decided to split the panels between the two of us so we received all the information. The one I went to was about pack to pack relations, building relationships and cultivating allies. I was sitting down looking over the conference handout of the day when Rocky Mountain's Beta, Winston stepped up next to me, "Hello Charlotte, may I sit with you?"

"Winston, yes of course, take a seat." Smiling, I gestured to the chair to my right. He looked relieved, shuffling to my side. "Thank you, I don't know many people here." He admitted.

Winston was a man of medium height, but he had broad, burly shoulders. He had brown hair with brown eyes. His round face made him look very youthful, which he covered with a short beard to illustrate his maturity. He appeared to be a friendly, warm person. I was pleased to sit with him. A few minutes passed when Brett came to me as well, "Charlotte, may I join you?" I smiled kindly and nodded. He took the chair to my left.

"Gamma Brett of Midnight pack, this is Beta Winston of Rocky Mountain pack." I made introductions. The two men clasped their hands together and made the usual small talk. I continued to study my papers. I removed my glasses, breathed on them and cleaned them on my shirt. Brett chuckled. I turned to gaze at him inquisitively.

"I've never met a wolf who willingly wore glasses before. Why don't you use contacts?" He asked. I adjusted my glasses on my face, "Well, I like to wear them because they make me look brilliant. Also, don't you know that smart is the new sexy."

Winston laughed at my statement. A large smile crossed Brett's face, his eyebrows raised, "Yes I think that might be true." I realized he was slightly flirting with me, sighing, "I know my mate thinks that way."

Brett nodded, agreeing before returning to his own handout. Winston studied me slightly, "Your mate is a formidable warrior I have heard."

I smiled, "Clark is very strong and well trained. He takes great care of our pack along with our Alpha. He takes his role very seriously."

"I have heard he is fearless." Winston stated. Brett smiled knowingly before he spoke, "He is. Clark Duffey is not a wolf to be messed with. He commands respect at all times."

I sighed, "He is also very caring. My mate is an excellent father and husband. He fills me with great pride. Clark is a great leader."

"Anthony is impressed with him. He has mentioned on more than one occasion that Clark is an excellent Beta." Winston told me. His statement surprised me a little, especially after the violent exchange that occurred last year at Rocky Mountain. Perhaps Anthony had thought the better of it now, realizing Clark was acting in mine and Marie's defence.

"If you would like, I am sure Clark would love to have a talk with you about Beta business. He is very open about it. You could ask him about his role and how he fills it." I offered. Winton's face lit up at my words, "I would like that very much."

I smiled, "After the panel, join us for lunch. You can pick his brain there if you like." He nodded. I sent Clark a text letting him know we would have a plus one for lunch. It appeared the legend of my mate really was all over the conference. It made me smile to know others recognized how amazing he was, not just myself.

The panel was interesting, they actually had a female on that one. Pack relations was an interesting subject for me, I knew I was responsible for that in many ways as the Beta female. I made notes quickly in my little notebook whenever the panelists had a suggestion. Brett seemed amused by my eagerness, chuckling at my scribblings.

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