Chapter 18: Of When Huntress sat with the Wolf

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The fact he had now to take care of a little cat was something he had never thought he would be exposed to. The little thing was really curious, too curious if Moonjo had to say, and clingy. He couldn't leave a room without that ball of fur crying for dear life, only stopping when he had the dentist on sight. It annoyed him, to be honest, but what else could he do? Now he was bound to take care of this cat until God knows when it dies.

But something good came out of all of this, he had to admit it. Jongwoo had been more open to him. He was even more prone to show affection to him. Not he was complaining, but...he felt a bit offended Jongwoo's affections were more casual than when they were alone in their home. Another part which annoyed him was, the cat needed to be fed every two hours. Of course, Jongwoo was more than happy to help, but when he wasn't free, Moonjo had to do the work. And he hated it.

Satan would scratch, bite and twist like a worm, testing his patience. He had had to call for help from his brother more than once, which resulted in either with a joyful visit alongside Eunyeong or the annoying presence of Fede, who would glare at him while Byungsoo fed the kitty. But that wasn't all, no, of course not. Now there were new rules, so Moonjo could protect his belongings.

He had to make sure not to leave his slippers on the floor, because Satan would bite them. He couldn't let his closet door open just a few inches, or Satan would go and make sure every piece of cloth was covered in his fur, and he couldn't drink a beer without the cat shoving his face into him, trying to drink from the can.

Having a cat this young wasn't as easy as he thought it would be. It was exhausting, to be honest. It meant no more dates until the cat was a bit older, it meant he couldn't cuddle with Jongwoo on the couch because that damn animal would run to them. Moonjo wanted to grab it and throw it back into the streets. But seeing how Jongwoo smiled as he played with the kitty...It made him jealous, but the warm feeling he felt watching him smile was much bigger.

And he had to admit, the cat had its...'cute' moments.

Like when it was his turn to wash the dishes, Moonjo would feel the little animal meow at his feet. He would try to push him away softly, but Satan would take this as a 'go ahead' to climb his pants, and then Moonjo would have a cat hanging from his pants for at least ten minutes or less, depending if the little shit decided it would be fun to scream at him for attention.

Or like last weekend, when he was reading while sitting on the couch. At first he didn't feel the animal at all, but when he heard him purr right next to his ear, the dentist noticed how Satan was laying on his shoulder, his curious eyes fixed on his book, as if he was reading too. Moonjo didn't know how long the cat had been there, but it must have been long, because he had Jongwoo sitting right in front of him, smiling as he recorded them. The dentist knew for sure his boyfriend had more pictures and videos of Satan than of both of them together.

There were so many more sweet moments (but Moonjo would never admit it, NEVER), when sometimes he did enjoy the presence of the kitty. It was fun seeing him stumble as he tried to keep up with the taller man's pace, or how Satan would try to fight Moonjo's foot if he didn't receive attention for more than five minutes. And, of course, his favorite: if he cuddled with the kitty long enough, Jongwoo would come and pout, launching himself on top of Moonjo and claiming a place in his chest, demanding attention too.

The final conclusion: Satan was staying in his life, even if it was annoying.

"Moonjo-ah, did you see my keys? I have to go to work and I can't find them anywhere!" Jongwoo rushed into the living room, while carrying his bag. He was rummaging through his backpack frantically, making the older man frown. "Damnit, I'm going to be late..."

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