Chapter 21: Of When the Wolf saw Silver

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The dentist kept looking how Jongwoo brushed his teeth, resting against the doorframe. Moonjo was angry, even if his boyfriend was looking at him amused.

"This might be fun for you, darling, but my patience is running low," he said, crossing his arms. He pointed at what Jongwoo was wearing, his black sweater, which he haven't been able to wear since they moved in together. "As much as I love seeing you wear my clothes, I want that back"

"Mmmm..." Jongwoo took a sip of water, spitting the rest of the toothpaste. He smirked as he turned to look at the tall man. "I don't know what you're talking about. You mean my pajamas?"

"It's not-! ...Jongwoo, I'll be more than happy to give you one of my pajamas, but you have to give me the sweater. You know it's my favorite,"

The writer snorted, raising his hand. He moved his index, as a mocking 'no', which only made the dentist sigh. He got closer to him, but Jongwoo was quicker. The shorter man avoided him, crawling away to their bedroom. It only made Moonjo groan in annoyance, following him.

"Come back here! I want my sweater back!"

"No! Besides, I'm doing you a favor! Well, mostly a favor for myself!" Running barefoot made it difficult to run, but he made it to the room, locking the door. "I can see your chest better now!"

"Are you serious? Since when have you been this perverted? Now come out and give me back my sweater!" Moonjo tried to open the door, to no avail. "Darling, please...Open!"


"I- You brat, are you really going to make me break down the door? For a stupid sweater? I'll buy you another sweater-"

"It's not the same! This one smells like you!"

Moonjo groaned, giving up. He shook his head, but he couldn't hold his smile back anymore. He couldn't stay angry when his dear boy acted like this, and, if he was honest...The sweater looked better on him anyway. He chuckled, walking down the corridor to the kitchen. He heard the soft pats their cat's feet made, turning his head as he stopped. Satan stopped too, just to make sure the tall man wasn't going to leave, and run quickly to his side. The cat had grown bigger since his first night in the house. He wasn't a black kitty anymore, now he was a cat, a very clingy cat. Satan meowed, raising just a bit. Moonjo crouched, watching carefully how the cat tried to raise his paws to touch his face, but he couldn't.

"What? Trying to say good morning?" The cat meowed, trying again but failing. Moonjo hid his smile in one hand, while he touched with his index the cat's soft pink pad. "Guess you'll follow me around this morning. You're favorite person is locked in the bedroom," carefully, he grabbed the cat, cradling him in his arms. The cat didn't protest, still watching him. "Come on, I want coffee. And you want your breakfast, right?"

Another meow, and Moonjo just snorted, walking the rest of the corridor in silence. He let the cat down on the kitchen floor, and cleaned his hands on the sink. He looked out the window, the sun already out. He could see the city, the tall buildings ruling over an exhausted population. He was still getting used to the views. He had never lived in a place where he could see more than a few blocks of bricks or a dirty wall.

He was still getting used to so many new things, but it was easier now than before. He had started to have less nightmares, and the creatures were almost gone in his life. But even when they appeared, Moonjo knew what to do. Take a deep breath, concentrate, and move away from them. As more as he ignored them, the less they could do to him. It might had also helped the fact he had stopped searching for his past. It was too much hassle, and he wanted to enjoy his life, not be a slave of the past.

Of Wolves and Spiders (Seo Moonjo x Jung Jongwoo)Where stories live. Discover now