Chapter 23: Of When the Wolf Growled

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"I can't believe you, Seo Moonjo! How in the bloody HELL you could do that?! RIGHT IN FORNT OF MY EDITOR?!"

Moonjo closed his eyes, sighing. He was sitting in the couch, legs crossed as he listened to Jongwoo. He had fucked up. Like, big time. Ever since Jongwoo's novel had been accepted, he barely spent time at home. The only time the dentist could see his boyfriend was during night time, when the writer came exhausted and went straight to bed. He missed spending time with him, he missed when they talked and had lunch together, and he missed coming home and be greeted by his darling with open arms. It felt so cold coming home and not being able to heard Jongwoo's voice or the clicking on his computer.

He knew he should be happy his darling boy was finally making his big dream come true, but...Lately, his mood had been quite a challenge. He didn't know if it was the fact his father kept visiting him, but he couldn't control himself. His emotions had been a complete wreck, specially his jealousy. The mere thought of Jongwoo in the same room with another man made his blood boil. He couldn't understand why this was happening. He trusted his boyfriend, but...He just couldn't control himself.

And the more days passed, the worst it got. Just like the other day, that damn day. That was the reason of the conflict right now, what happened yesterday. Moonjo had left his work place in a rush, after receiving a text from Jongwoo. His boyfriend told him he would be out having lunch with his editor and a few more people. He wouldn't be able to meet him today, and then Moonjo exploded.

He wasn't sure why exactly he acted as he did, but it happened. He had left work, leaving his patients and assistants confused, and went straight to Jongwoo's workplace. He didn't find him there, but in the parking lot, talking with a man. He didn't know he was his editor, he just knew he wanted to kill him. Jongwoo was laughing with him, his cheeks colored in the same way when Moonjo teased him. That look was supposed to be for him, and ONLY HIM!

"Are you listening to me?! Don't you DARE ignore me!" Jongwoo grabbed Moonjo's shirt by the collar, shaking him. The taller man opened his eyes, still in silence. Jongwoo scoffed. "You have some guts acting offended! You're lucky Kahyung decided not to press charges, or else you would have gotten us in trouble!"

"...Kahyung?" Moonjo looked at his boyfriend, who let go of him. The dentist rubbing his neck, getting up as he towered Jongwoo, mad. "Who the hell is-?"

"MY EDITOR YOU ASSHOLE! Kahyung! Jeon Kahyung! The one you punched yesterday!"

"Oh, right-"

"YOU-!" Jongwoo raised his hand, but stopped himself from slapping the man. He knew him well, and he knew Moonjo didn't regret hurting his editor. He was thankful Kahyung bought the story he told him, or else he could be in big trouble. "...I'm getting fucking tired of you and your bullshit, Moonjo-ah. I didn't give you any reason to be this...jealous. I mean, why?!"


"Yes, why! Haven't I shown you how much you mean to me?! Haven't I shown you how much I care for you?! Or have all this years together meant nothing to you?!" Jongwoo's watery eyes kept looking at Moonjo, as if they tried to find the truth. The dentist didn't met them, which made Jongwoo feel more hurt. "Do I need to remind you what you did to me? You disappeared several times-"

"Oh god, please, not this again. I already said I was sorry, didn't I? Why do you need to keep reminding me of that? It was once-"

"YOU DISAPPEARED FOR AN ENTIRE MONTH!! A MONTH, YOU DIPSHIT!!" Jongwoo pushed Moonjo, furious. "How dare you!! Have you any idea how worried I was when you suddenly decided to leave?! It must have been quite good for you, packing up your shit in the middle of the night, and leaving me all alone! Like a FUCKING COWARD!"

Of Wolves and Spiders (Seo Moonjo x Jung Jongwoo)Where stories live. Discover now