Chapter 20: Of When the Weeper Banished

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The coffee was disgusting, it was cold and had a really weird taste. At least he didn't buy anything else from that coffee shop. Moonjo ended up throwing the coffee in the nearest garbage bin, and walked towards his motel. His phone rang again for the tenth time that day, but he let it go to voicemail. It was either from Jongwoo or Byungsoo, but he couldn't speak to them.

He ended up running away, just like last time from Eden Studio. After what happened back in his mother's house, he just felt lost. His brother ended up having to body slam into him so he would let go of their mother, and even after that he tried to get back to her, screaming at her how much he hated her, and how he wished she would die soon. He couldn't say he regretted saying it, the only thing he regretted was saying it in front of Byungsoo and Jongwoo.

And for their mother, oh yes...that was a show itself. The woman kept screaming at Byungsoo to let go of 'her Moon'. It only made Moonjo angrier. The only son that cared for her, that was saving her life, and she still ignored him completely. The dentist gave up, exhausted and not wanting to listen to any more pathetic rants from their mother. He got up and left with his brother and Jongwoo, taking the violin case with him.

He had to hear on their way back his brother screaming at him, demanding to know what the hell was he thinking about. But what else could he say? He tried to strangle their mother in front of his brother and his boyfriend. There was nothing else to say. Moonjo just kept quiet, the violin case tightly wrapped over his chest. The tighter the grip, the more he burned his chest.

He could still hear him scream at him when he got out of the car, and how he was crying as he kept demanding Moonjo to explain why he did that. But he couldn't. He couldn't do it. He just run to his apartment, followed by Jongwoo. The writer tried to talk to him, wanting to understand why he would do that, but he just locked himself on his bedroom. Jongwoo tried to talk to him for so many hours, but nothing. And, that same night, Moonjo packed a suitcase with some clothes and left.

He couldn't stay in the same apartment with Jongwoo, not when he was this...broken. He's always been this proud man, who knew who he was and wasn't afraid of anything, not even death, who killed whoever he wanted, whenever he wanted. And now...He felt lost. He didn't know who he was anymore, he couldn't understand what was happening to him. He was afraid of looking at the mirror, because he knew he would see those creatures that had been haunting him for months.

Moonjo left a month ago, and he's been hiding in a motel room since then. He had called his work to let them know he would be out of town, but in reality, he was just hiding like a coward. And he felt disgusted about himself, of what he was becoming. He was starting to become weak. He had worked for so many years to become strong, to make sure no one could hurt him. But now he was what he despised: a weak and useless man. He couldn't stand the idea of staying with Jongwoo and being weak. He couldn't dare to imagine standing by his side like this. He wanted to protect him, but how could he in this state?

He was scared of his own shadow now, the voices in his head kept screaming at him, and he was lost in so many emotions. He didn't remember the last time he felt this hopeless, in his entire life, but even now this doubt was a pain for him. Moonjo didn't know what his past was anymore. He just wanted to sleep, and luckily, maybe he'll wake up from this nightmare.

Today was going to be a month since he left home. He wondered how Jongwoo was doing, but he couldn't call him. Hell, even opening his phone now was hard for him. He had more than hundreds of calls from Jongwoo, along so many texts Moonjo didn't dare to read. He even appeared several times in his office, asking to talk to him, and that's why Moonjo stopped going. He couldn't see him, and he was ashamed when he told his assistants to lie to his darling. It hurt each time he saw Jongwoo leave his building, looking miserable.

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