Chapter 22: Of When Blood left a Trail

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A cold chill run over his body while he watched the man who called himself 'his father' laugh and joke with his assistants. He couldn't understand why he was here, but seeing how some of his clients were watching him was another problem. Now he wouldn't be able to kick him out. He took a deep breath and came closer. Since that day in the studio, Moonjo had been quite...calm. The toothy creature sometimes appeared, but not to torment him. Rather, it was always hiding in the shadows, whispering to himself. Moonjo wasn't sure what was going on, but he didn't care as long as he was left alone.

His father was taller than him, which was pretty clear after their first encounter. Byungsoo and he were tall, so this would mean they took after their father. Their faces were a copy of this man's, but he still couldn't understand why he didn't feel as Byungsoo looked like him. It was like comparing a wolf with a golden retriever: they were in the same family tree but totally different species. But then, there was him. Yeongmin told him long ago how much he looked like his father, and made sense.

And it scared him.

His father's eyes were completely dead, or at least he perceived them as dead. There were no color or warmth in there, but this man, somehow, could make them look in other ways. Just like now, the way he laughed with the receptionist, even the way he emphasized his words with his gestures...They felt mechanic to him. Was this because he was concerned he could react the same way when he met his mother? But he wouldn't be able to strangle him like he did to that woman. Now that he remembered her, he wondered if she was still trying to contact him.

"Oh, Mr. Seo! Your father is here to see you-," Her assistant blushed, trying to calm herself. The receptionist did the same, embarrassed. Moonjo just smiled, he couldn't find a reason to be angry at them.

"It's alright, thank you," the reply came quite quick to him, but it was natural. His eyes turned to his father's side. In the counter, a coffee and a container of sweets caught his eyes. The container looked like one he used in the past to carry a few tools back to the studio. He felt angry just by looking at it. "What are you doing here, Mr. Seo?"

"Mr. Seo? That is not my surname," his chuckle made his skin shiver. But then again, surprise caught him completely. If his surname wasn't Seo, did that meant he and Byungsoo shared their mother's surname?

"Then, what is your surname? I'm sorry, I just assumed it was Seo"

"...Yes, it's quite normal. No worries!" His smile didn't bring him any reassurance. "Let me introduce myself! I'm Jung Gukjae, and I'm...your father!" He chuckled, patting his head. The two women smiled and held their laughter, but Moonjo wanted to bite that hand. Did he looked like a freaking dog to be patted like that?! "Does my name ring any bell for you, Moonjo-ah?"

"No, should it-," For a split second, his entire body froze. If he thought about it, that name did somehow come to his mind, but he couldn't exactly pinpoint to where he had seen that name before. "I...I don't think I've heard it before. My apologies"

"Mmm..." the man tilted his head to the side, looking at him, his smile sewed on his lips. His hand was still resting on his head, and the dentist was debating on pushing it away. But his father pulled away, instead grabbing the coffee. "It's ok, don't worry. I was actually here to take you to have a break and some coffee, but I see you're busy. My fault! Should have made an appointment!"


"Either way, we can meet another time! We've got so many things to catch on! But you're busy, so another day!" He then turned to both women, smiling. "It was a pleasure meeting you! Thank you for taking care of my son, enjoy the sweets!"

"Sweets?" Moonjo frowned, confused, and reached towards the container. But his father caught his wrist. His grip was way too strong for being playful, and it hurt. Moonjo tried to escape the tight grip, but his father wouldn't let go.

Of Wolves and Spiders (Seo Moonjo x Jung Jongwoo)Where stories live. Discover now