The beginning

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Hello everyone! :) Thanks so much for reading my book, I really appreciate it. I must warn you, intense cringe is included in this book and mistakes in the writing. Please feel free to do constructive criticism! Another warning, I take FOREVER with new chapters, although I AM trying to spend more time on this book haha :)

So the stuff I WILL and WONT do: I won't do smut, I can't write it and I don't want to add that to this book. I will do fluff, and probably some angst. I haven't figured out an ending yet, so maybe it will be sad, maybe it will be happy. Keep in mind, I'm dying inside when I write angst so I probably won't write too much of it. 

Now, I tend to overthink like, everything I do, so I tend to change some little parts in the storyline a lil bit. (Usually just some words or stuff I find annoying) If you like the original version better, let me know and I'll CONSIDER IT. 

I do take little requests on what should be in the story, just please don't try to change the storyline completely.

I WILL TRY TO ADD EASTER EGGS. So try to look for them! If you do find one you can comment saying what it was but it would be recommended to keep it to yourself for others, UNLESS people just skipped the easter egg entirely, I want everyone to know it was there!

PLEASE please PLEASE, do not spoil the ending or future for others! I will delete those comments. (Unless you put a spoiler warning in your comment before-hand, that will be fine. 

Please respect OTHERS boundaries, like the other Dream Smp members. This means I will not have Niki, Wilbur, Purpled, Tommy, Ranboo, or Tubbo be shipped with each other. (Tuboo is allowed to be CANONIC)

Also, I've seen this in ALOT of Wattpad comments, so I'm going to say this now, if I put stuttering in someone's words, refrain from making fun of it please, people actually have that problem and it's rude to make fun of it. Thank you! :)

Sorry this was so long haha, I hope most people actually read this :)

(I use all pronouns by the way! And you can call me Author, or Sarah, I don't mind :D) 

Also, one last thing, please don't try to sexualize me, please refrain from hate. I know my username might be upsetting, but it's meant for entertainment purposes, I would never take other people and use them just to get popular, and this book is just for other's enjoyment purposes. I don't support zoophilia nor will I ever. IF George sees my user and asks me to take it down I will gladly! :)


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