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"Well... It started when I was riding my bike on my way to my job. I guess I wasn't looking where I was going, because I bloody ran into this person here."

The doctor nodded writing down every detail. "How much does the pain occur? And in what region?"

George thought about it for a second. "Down near my ankle. It hurts extremely badly." he said.

The doctor nodded and asked if he could stand.

Before George could open his mouth, Dream kissed George (KIDDING YOU WISH)

Before George could say anything, Dream beat him to it. "No he can't, he's fallen every time trying to. That's why I had to carry him in here." he said.

The doctor nodded again and asked George if he could take a look.

He gently took of his sneaker and examined it.

"Does it hurt if I touch it at all? Or just when you put pressure on it when you stand?" he asked.

George gasped when he touched it, and Dream took his hand and held it for him. (Pardon?)

"Yes, yes it does." George said and squeezed Dream's hand.

"Okay, I think we need to do an X-ray, would you mind if your boyfriend carried you?" he asked and smiled.

George turned pink and Dream chuckled and scooped George up.

                                                       Time skip to after the X-ray cuz I'm lazy asf

"Well, it looks like a partial break in two bones in the ankle area, as well as swelling. No wonder you're in so much pain." The doctor explained.

Dream gasped and George nodded. "So, what will need to happen?"

"Well, you'll need a cast, that's for sure, and it seems this was a bigger break than most ones we've had, so you'll have to have crutches for a few months, maybe longer. Do you have a roommate or family members living with you?" he asked.

George's fists tightened. "No. I don't have a family, and I don't have a roommate." he said.

Dream's eyes widened as he looked at the brit. What happened to his family? He wondered.

"I can stay with you while you heal" Dream said and smiled at the smaller of the three. 

George felt a grin creep up his face as he nodded happily.

His new friend was about to move in with him.

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