The crash

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George looked at the green (yellow) trees passing by as he biked. His gaze was so engraved he didn't even see the person walking in front of him...

George looked back in front of him just to see a man right in front of him. He tried to stop but he slammed right into the man.

He gasped as he saw the man get up fast. The man quickly turned around and held out his hand to help George up.

George looked at the man and took in his features. Dirty blonde hair that was a little long, yellow eye (gren 🙄this man is blind i tell you), he was much taller than George was, probably a little over 6 foot. He wasn't wearing anything super nice, but boy did it look hot to George. 

A black button up shirt, some blue ripped jeans, and some black Nike shoes.

George stared into his eyes and almost forgot his ankle was in pain. Almost. 

He tried to stand but his ankle wouldn't allow him to.

"Ow!" George exclaimed as he stood on one leg.

The man gasped "Are you alright?" He said worriedly as he grasped George's arm gently.

"Not really. My ankle hurts like hell." George told him as his eyes started to tear up. It hurt extremely bad.

"I'm Clay." The man said as he helped George to the nearest bench.

"George. Nice to meet you." Gogy said as he smiled at Dream.

Dream POV

I couldn't help but smile back at George. It was obvious he had a very thick English accent, and his smile was very contagious.

"I can take you to the doctor's if you would like to! It looks like it hurts pretty bad" I said to him.

I looked down at his ankle and it was bleeding quite badly.

I glanced back at him, and he was staring deep into thought. I fixed my eyes on his and I looked at his features.

He had chocolate brown hair, and blue- no brown, he had ONE brown and one blue eye. I looked at what he was wearing. A red sweatshirt, with some black ripped jeans.

I realized he was looking back at me and fixed my attention on his eyes.

"Yes, please." He told me and smiled. I helped him walk to my car and he buckled up.

I smiled and we went on our way.

Thank you, guys, so much! I hope you enjoy this story as much as I have! If you have any suggestions, please let me know in the comments :)

Stay hydrated! 💚💙💚💙💚💙

Words: 452

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