Leona's Birthday Chap.23

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Today was Leona's 25th birthday you had been planning for days as to secretly prepare you were excited hoping he'd like the birthday present you bought for him but you had to remind Cheka not to say a word about the surprise you pinky promised with him and your now two year old Kokoa who was starting to get a handle on his speech and Zora had taken her first steps not too long ago sometimes you found yourself getting emotional as your children were growing up it seemed like not too long ago you had Kokoa and Zora you smiled as you thought back 

you sat In your chair next to window you had been sick for awhile you finally made a full recovery but Unfortunately your husband caught what you had you felt terrible about but he told you it couldn't be helped so you had been helping him get well as he was bed ridden like you were which irritated and frustrated him greatly you stood up smoothing out your skirts before you went upstairs to check on him you gently rapped on the door to be met with his even deeper voice now that he was sick you opened the door coming to his bedside 

he smiled "hey love..."

you smiled holding his hand "how're you feeling dear"

he sighed "could be worse"

he then sneezed "ACHOO!"

you giggled a bit as his sneeze was funny you then got him a box of tissues he then blew his nose before growling in frustration pulling the blankets over his head you smiled reaching over 

"dear...would you like to come downstairs for a bit"

he threw the covers off "hell yeah If it means I don't have to stay In bed"

you giggled which made him raise an eyebrow "you've been laughing at me quite a bit today love what's that all about"

you shook your head "I...It's nothing..."

he thought before his lips then pulled into a smirk before you knew it he was on top of you which made you blush a bit before trying to push him back "Leona...you're sick"

"what's that matter to me love...forget resting I only want my beautiful queen right now I need to punish her for laughing at me"

you blushed "L...Leona please have a care...you're ill"

you then remembered the surprise you wriggled your way out of his hold then walking to the door leaving him bewildered "Isn't today a special day dear"

you smiled with a giggle he then nodded with a smirk "ah I see how It is"

you then started out the room with him soon coming after you knew he loved the chase it was the only way to get him out the room fast enough let alone distract him as the final preparations were almost done he was chasing you as if he was completely healthy it startled you a bit just then you went into Cheka's room closing the door you turned seeing him playing on the carpet with his toys 

you smiled going over "Cheka"

he looked up with a smile "mommy!"

he jumped to his feet coming over to hug you with you getting on your knees to receive him

he smiled with sparkling eyes "mommy is Uncle's birthday surprise ready"

"yes sweetie but we have to get him to the garden first could you bring him there while I go get your brother and sister"

he nodded "mhm!"

you smiled he then took off running out his room you then quickly picked up your skirts hurrying to get Kokoa and Zora you picked them up rushing outside to the gardens where the surprise already waited you set them down onto the blanket then starting to unpack the picnic all his favorite foods you had worked to make In secret but just then Cheka ran towards you "mommy! he's coming!"

you smiled standing up with your hands folded Leona then slowed his pace coming to a stop before you looking on In confusion you then hugged him "happy birthday dear"

he smirked "you little minx that's what all that was about..."

you smiled warmly "well how else would I have gotten you here fast enough"

he wrapped his arms around you in return then bringing you into a sweet kiss before you nuzzled noses you then led him over to sit down on the blanket with you taking out the plates 

"I made all of your favorite foods" 

Cheka started eating the strawberry's you packed then feeding one to Kokoa 

you smiled warmly then plating some mashed potatoes, roast beef and asparagus onto Leona's plate then handing it to him with a fork you then fixed some for the children Zora cooed with a smile as you fed her some mashed potatoes you smiled "do you like it sweetheart"


you turned to see Kokoa got some sauce on his shirt you then took the cloth napkin dabbing at with some water hoping the stain would go away later in the wash after you made sure the children were well fed you then fixed a plate for yourself eating and when you were done you sat watching as the children played amongst the flowers

Leona laid down putting his head on your lap "thank you for this my love"

you smiled warmly "of course...anything for you dear"

he then sat up putting his arm around you bringing you into a kiss.

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