The Big News Chap.25

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After finding out what was wrong you had to sit down for a minute as to process and gather your thoughts but you quickly left in the carriage heading back home to the palace where your husband and children awaited you and the news you wondered what their reactions would be soon as the carriage made its way through the gates you welled up with anxiety putting a hand to your heart as to calm down then once the carriage driver opened the door you thanked him stepping down with his help before gathering your skirts walking up the stairs and the guards bowed opening the front doors for you but then you started walking fast inside just then you saw Leona coming down the grand staircase with Kokoa in his arms 

he smiled "welcome home love I just put Zora down for her nap"

you smiled going to meet him he embraced you with a kiss before handing Kokoa to you 

you lifted him up with a smile "I missed you my darling"

Kokoa giggled "Mama!"

you smiled and kissed his cheek then putting him down so he could walk you then remembered you had to tell him you took his hands guiding him to the sitting area 

"hey Love I can tell somethings wrong"

you sighed "yes...well I have something to tell you"

you both sat down on the lounge chair you then started to gather up your words when Cheka ran into the sitting room "Hi Mommy!"

you smiled "hello sweetie did you have a good day at school"

he smiled "yeah! It was so much fun"

you kissed his cheek "that's good you can tell me all about it later"

Cheka then got on his knees bringing Kokoa into a hug "hello little brother!"

Kokoa's eyes sparkled "Brother!"

you smiled warmly at the exchange but then you felt Leona's grip on your hand tighten you let out a sigh turning back to him as what happened earlier came rushing back 

you looked in his eyes "I...I've been keeping something from's my health"

his brows furrowed "what do you mean...are you sick again"

you nodded and he then let out a sigh putting his hands on your shoulders "why didn't you tell me love"

"I didn't want you to worry yourself much like before"

he cupped your cheek "you're the love of my life how couldn't I worry"

you  touched his hand "I am sick...I've been having dizzy spells and nausea it happened again today so Neige had the doctor come to his mansion and examine me"

his eyes filled with worry "what did the doctor say"

you started to tear up and a few tears fell from your eyes he then silently gasped feeling you were shaking which made him worry "what's the matter...why're you shaking love"

you sniffled "dear...we're having another baby"

Leona's eyes widened and he sat there In shock but then Cheka sprang to his feet screaming In excitement while jumping around much to Kokoa's confusion 

you wiped your tears "Leona I know we didn't have any plans of having another baby but-"

Leona brought you into his arms hugging you tightly as he buried his face in your shoulder you then smiled warmly hugging him back as more tears started to flow 

he nuzzled your neck "It doesn't matter....It's ours and I'll love all our kids no matter what"

he then cupped your face kissing you and you kissed back just then Cheka hopped onto your lap hugging your stomach and you put your arms around him 

you smiled "you...Kokoa and Zora are going to have another sibling"

Cheka smiled "I'm so happy!"

you turned to Leona "I think....It'll be another girl this time"

Cheka beamed "maybe It's two babies!"

Leona's eyes widened and he shook his head "no way!"

you giggled " dear he was only guessing but if it did turn out to be twins It'd love them just the same"

Leona sighed "you're right...although three's a crowd I wouldn't mind more"

you both touched foreheads with Cheka hopping off your lap picking up Kokoa who gave a toothy smile and laughed as Cheka started to spin around holding him up in the air.

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