Parenting and being Royal Chap.10

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a few months after the ball things were still going good though Kokoa was pretty much a mama's boy and he hadn't warmed up to Leona much yet but you knew he would eventually but Leona's frustrations hadn't ended yet because he handled most of the royal duties you both did but as of late you were busy with Kokoa so Leona had to take on some more things for you and they were more taxing then anything he'd seen in Afterglow Savannah but he could handle it. 

after a long day you and Leona were asleep but all of a sudden Kokoa started to cry and Leona started to get up but you stopped him "I'll get him you've had a long day please rest dear"

Leona smiled and laid back down "you're the best love"

you giggled and went to the nursery and picked up Kokoa from his bassinet rocking him trying to soothe him "'s alright my baby Mother's here"

Kokoa looked up with his big watery eyes and started to calm down then he closed his eyes going right back to sleep you then kissed his cheek before putting him back in the bassinet quietly leaving the room going back to bed 

Leona was sound asleep and snoring which made you giggle before laying down next to him and he hugged you from behind which made you smile drifting back to sleep and in the morning you awoke laying on his chest and you looked up to see he was fully awake looking at you 

you smiled "good morning dear"

he smiled "morning love"

he wrapped his other arm around your waist holding you tighter and you could've sworn you heard him *purr* and you thought it was so cute he's never done that before 

you smiled "dear did you just...purr" 

Leona blushed "w..what no!"

you laughed but then he rolled over and was on top of you he kissed you and you kissed back before he sat up raking a hand through his hair which recently grew longer and you liked to help him brush it sometimes when he didn't feel like it 

"so what's the plan for today" he said 

you sat on your knees "well there are a few things that need to get done like...going over the list of new guards, meeting with the ministers and a ribbon cutting"

Leona crossed his arms "I've always wanted to be king now I am but It's....."

you came up behind him putting your hands on his shoulders "It's not easy far from It but we can do this together remember when I doubted myself about being queen who said I could do it"

Leona smirked "I did"

you smiled "yes and I know you can be a great king one that many will look to for security and wisdom not to mention strength"

Leona smiled and brought you onto his lap kissing you "My love you always know what to say"

you kissed his cheek before getting off his lap and you both went to get dressed and ready for the day today you wore that blue ballgown from the party when you were 8 months pregnant but you had it altered to fit your form now that you were back in shape and recently Leona got a new outfit too courtesy of Rook same with Kokoa he had a bunch of new little clothes

you helped Leona put his hair in a ponytail before you went to go dress Kokoa before going downstairs and the servants already had breakfast set up and as you ate you tried feeding Kokoa a little bit of eggs since he was 6 months old now 

Kokoa twitched his little ears and made noises "Gah!...Gah!"

you smiled "yes my precious what're you trying to say"

Leona rested his head on his hand "Little guy is trying to speak huh"

you nodded and took Kokoa out his high chair "Can you say Mama"

Leona smiled "Nah he should say Daddy first"

you smiled but then Kokoa pursed his lips and said "Mama!"

you gasped  "Leona did you hear that he said his first word!"

Leona sat up and crossed his arms "Yeah I heard"

you stood up walking over to him with Kokoa in your arms "don't worry he'll say daddy one day" you then kissed his cheek which made him smile a little 

"Come on dear let's get started then afterwards you can nap all you want" 

you and Leona went to do the few things that needed to be done bringing you're son along he mostly made a few noises here and there if not that he was sleeping in which during that time you had Leona hold him but then while you were in a meeting with the ministers 

Leona sniffed the air and leaned over whispering in your ear " you smell something love" he then smelled Kokoa and covered his nose standing up from the chair 

"Please excuse me" he said before leaving the room going to change his diaper he was a bit of an expert since he used to change Cheka's diaper at times he went upstairs to the nursery but then Kokoa started to cry and Leona tried his best to calm him down 

"hey...hey daddy's here It's okay I promise I'll always be here..."

Kokoa's crying ceased and he smiled putting his hand up tugging on Leona's hair "Ow!"

Kokoa giggled and this made Leona smile it looked like he was finally warming up to him and as he finished changing his diaper you came upstairs peeking in the room 

you smiled putting a hand on your heart as you watched Leona play peek a boo with him.

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