Cheka's day at Kindergarten Chap.26

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It was a beautiful sunny morning you awoke early as to check on the children and get them ready for the day but you were struck with a hint of morning sickness you were five months pregnant at the moment your baby bump was visible you sat at the edge of your bed rubbing your stomach a bit before you turned to see your husband whom was still slumbering you giggled getting back into bed leaning over placing a kiss on Leona's cheek but just then his emerald eyes opened with him letting out a yawn he smiled "hey...morning love"

you smiled "good morning dear"

he put his hand on your bump "you feeling okay..."

you nodded "mhm I just had a little bit of nausea but I'm alright"

he sat up carefully putting his arms around you "let me take Cheka to need to take it easy more"

you smiled leaning into his his embrace "this isn't my first pregnancy dear...I'm alright"

he sighed "I know...I know but I...can't help worrying"

you smiled warmly "alright I'll rest can take Cheka today but I'll come pick him up later"

he smiled "It's a deal my queen"

you shared a kiss before he got out of bed placing a kiss on your hand before he went over to the bassinet picking up Zora who gave a smile she had started to get a few teeth 

he smiled "hey....daddy's little lioness"

you sat up with a smile watching as he bounced her before bringing her over to you 

you smiled kissing her cheek "good morning sweetheart"

Leona then left next door to the children's room that Cheka and Kokoa now shared 

as soon as he stepped into the room Cheka leapt out of bed running over 

"good morning Uncle!"

Leona caught him as he jumped up with Cheka then sitting on his shoulders

he sighed "Cheka...It's too early for this you're getting heavy too...come on get down"

Cheka giggled before climbing down from Leona he went over to Kokoa's little bed shaking him

"little brother....Wakey....Wakey...."

Kokoa yawned before opening his big brown eyes "big Brother"

he then sat up reaching up to Leona "Daddy...up up"

Leona smiled picking him up before he nuzzled his forehead "hey buddy"

"alright come on Cheka time to get ready for Kindergarten"

Cheka smiled "Okay!"

they went to the bathroom where the pool sized tub was and he bathed them both while getting splashed with water by Kokoa who insisted it was playtime 

he sighed "Kokoa you're not making Daddies job any easier"

Cheka giggled patting Kokoa's head "Little brother It's not playtime"

just then you entered the bathroom holding Zora you wanted to see how they were doing once you saw Leona covered on soap suds you had to keep yourself from laughing too much 

you giggled "oh....dear"

Leona looked back at you laughing before he started to laugh too guessing he did look funny after the bath he got them dressed up before taking them downstairs to the dining room where breakfast was nice and hot on the table as you walked around you saw your castle staff were doing their tasks as always at the table Leona was feeding Kokoa some oatmeal while Cheka ate blueberry pancakes with bacon you'd have your meal in a little while knowing that this was crunch time to get Cheka to school on time 

Leona's PrideDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora