the departure Chap.14

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 a few day's later after Farena's burial you woke in the morning hearing the crying of a child and you knew it was Cheka so you got out of bed putting on your robe before running to the nursery and you saw Leona sitting at his side and you wondered why he was crying so badly 

you went to his side "what happened"

Cheka coughed as he cried "Daddy and Mommy!!!"

you looked over at Leona you were heartbroken he had told Cheka even though you told him not to but you weren't mad at all and you picked up Cheka holding him tight as he cried and you tried to soothe him "I know sweetie I know...I'm so sorry..."

Leona buried his face in his hands "what've I done...."

you shook your head "no...It's alright...we couldn't have kept it a secret forever"

Leona came over and hugged you both but then a few tears streaked down your cheeks and Leona held you both tighter but then as he started to calm down you sat on the bed holding him

Cheka sniffled and you kissed his cheek "I'll miss your parents too"

you wiped his tears and he put his head on your shoulder "Auntie...will I be homeless"

you shook your head "of course not your uncle and I will raise you from now on"

Cheka looked at you with sparkling eyes "Really!"

you smiled warmly "yes sweetie"

he hugged you "you'll be my new mommy and daddy right!"

you were a bit shocked at the question but it couldn't be helped "I suppose so but you can call us that only if you want to" you stroked his ears but then a sad smile came to your face you've always wanted another child but not like this though you've always loved Cheka like your own son and from now on you'd continue to do so.

after you all calmed down you went and got dressed before helping him and Kokoa bathe with Leona's help and you got them dressed before going down to breakfast and it was alright since Cheka's fever was all better now but you still insisted him have soup for breakfast 

as you fed Kokoa his bit of french toast you looked over to see that Leona wasn't eating very much and you reached over putting your hand on his as comfort but you could feel it shaking in which you were really worried now

"dear are you alright"

he shook his head "I'm sorry for telling him..."

you stroked his hand "it's alright please don't worry"

he looked up at up at you giving you a small smile before he kissed your hand and he started to eat some more but then one of the maids ran to you handing you a letter and you thanked her before opening it and you read it before handing it to Leona " should see this"

he read the letter before his eyes widened "I knew it"

he then slammed it down on the table putting his hand over his face then he stood up going upstairs and you let out a sigh the letter had said that Leona is needed in afterglow savannah as the second prince and second living member of the royal family because he is to become the king for awhile until it is stable enough to find someone else 

Cheka looked up at you "what's wrong with Uncle Leona"

you put your hand on his head "he's going back to your home for awhile to keep the kingdom safe" 

Cheka nodded in understanding but then he hugged your arm "can I call you mommy or auntie mommy "

you smiled warmly "whatever you'd like" he then cheered but then you got up taking him upstairs along with Kokoa into the nursery 

"Cheka could you stay here play with Kokoa for a bit I need to go speak with your uncle"

he nodded "okay!"

you then left closing the door behind you going to your room and you saw Leona putting on his formal king's outfit  and you folded your hands walking over to help him with it 


he sighed "I don't want to leave you and the kids either but you saw I have to besides Cheka I'm the only living family member left"

you nodded "I know...and I know it's what you must do"

he cupped your face and kissed you then you kissed back before touching foreheads and he wrapped his arms around you 

you sniffled "how long will you be gone"

he frowned "I don't know nine months at best I guess"

you then put your hand on his cheek " do what you must we'll be here waiting for you when you return I love you dear.."

he kissed your hand "I love you too my love I'll contact you when I can promise"

you embraced one more time before he went to the nursery and you followed him as he picked up Cheka hugging him tight "take care of your aunt and cousin for me will ya"

Cheka nodded "I will!"

Leona smiled and patted his head before going over to Kokoa and he picked him up kissing his forehead "now little good for your mother" 

you started to tear up but then Kokoa smiled and said "Dada!"

Leona smiled looking at you and you returned the smile before he handed Kokoa to you and you held Cheka by the hand following him downstairs going outside to see him off 

Leona kissed you one last time before he went to the car and he sent you a wink along with a flying kiss which made you smile before he smirked and got in the royal car before it drove away and out the gate but as you waved a few tears streaked down your cheeks 

Cheka pulled on your dress skirt "will he come back"

you looked down "of course but not for awhile"

 Kokoa started to whine and you rocked him in the baby sling but then you put your hands on your stomach as a feeling of sickness came over you.

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