stars and loss Chap.16

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a few days later you had summoned the royal doctor to check you out and you were Indeed pregnant five months to be exact it was a boy and though you had wanted to wait for two more years you were happy and excited to have a brother for the kids you were sitting in the back gardens with the children but then one of the maids brought you card and it was from Leona it read *My love as I look at the starry skies I think of you and my heart is brought at ease I miss you a lot I can't wait to hold you in my arms again and kiss your beautiful face I wonder how the little guys are doing I hope they're not giving you too much trouble I know you can handle it though please forgive me if this whole thing has made you stressed but when I get back I promise to help you and take off the burdens anyway speaking of stars I got you something hope you like it, Love your husband and king....Leona*

you blushed and smiled holding the card to your chest but then the maid handed you something wrapped up in golden paper and you thanked her before opening it to see a gorgeous gown that was dark blue with stars and you gasped as you admired the gown it was like a piece of the sky 

you smiled "it's so lovely...oh Leona..."

Cheka ran over "what's that It's so pretty!"

you patted his head "it's from your uncle"

Cheka then put his head on your stomach and hugged it "mommy is there a baby"

you smiled "yes sweetie I'm having a boy he'll be a brother for you and Kokoa"

Kokoa crawled over and you picked him up dusting the grass off his outfit and he hugged your stomach too which made you smile before you stood up bringing Kokoa into your arms and Cheka held your hand as you went back inside and put the starry dress on you looked at yourself in the mirror before you did a spin 

you smiled "It's so beautiful It's like I'm wearing a piece of the sky"

just then there was knock on your bedroom door and you went to get it and there stood Rook and you both hugged before he took off his hat "that dress is stunning where did it come from"

you smiled "Leona sent it to me"

Rook nodded and admired it "well...well he has good taste"

you giggled "I'll be downstairs in a bit so we can talk"

he nodded and walked out the room going downstairs and you changed back into your original outfit before hanging up the dress and you went downstairs to the lounge but you saw Cheka was wearing Rook's hat while running around which made you giggle a bit 

Rook held out his hand "here now give it back"

Cheka ran up to you "mommy look at this hat!"

you smiled "I know it's very nice on you but that belongs to Mr.Hunt could you give it back to him please"

Cheka nodded and gave Rook his hat back before you picked him up walking over to sit down 

"so (y/n) dear how're you doing"

you smiled "I'm doing quite well actually I have news...I'm pregnant with another boy"

Rook gasped "No Way! that's wonderful"

you looked down at your stomach rubbing "yes though this wasn't planned I'm happy"

Rook nodded "I see...will Leona be back in time for the birth"

you looked out the window "I hope so...but if not I know it can't be helped"

Rook looked you over "you seem to be sad and stressed"

you put your hand on your cheek "oh! I'm fine really don't worry.."

you then let Cheka go and he went upstairs but then you let out a sigh before regaining your composure "I'm so terribly sorry that I missed your wedding I hope Epel is doing fine"

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