Telling the In laws Chap.2

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2 months later things were going well with your pregnancy and you thought it was time to tell your In laws and you were excited to be going back to Afterglow Savanah though Leona was a bit hesitant but it all worked out and you took the mirror passage In the Castle to get there it made things more convenient then taking the Royal Jet there It was Leona's idea to install It but you Insisted on taking the jet after all you didn't mind the ride

"Love how long are we going to stay there"

"Oh just three days or so"


you finished packing a few things In your suitcase just to keep It simple you didn't take any of your fancy gowns just some simple dresses 

you zipped up your suitcase then put it on the floor "Dear the Jet is ready for departure"

Leona yawned "Alright then..." you giggled and picked up your suitcase "Don't worry you can nap during the flight all you want"

You both left out your bedroom and went outside getting onto the jet and as soon as Leona got In his seat he nodded off within three seconds and you giggled before kissing his cheek and then it took about a hour until you arrived In Afterglow Savanah 

"Leona..dear wake up"

Leona let out a yawn then opened his eyes "Hey Love"

You smiled "come on we're here I can't wait to tell them"

Leona scratched his head then stood up taking your suitcase for you and then you both left out the jet and got into the limo which took you through the royal city to the palace and you really missed seeing the sights there It was so nostalgic to your first time there and when you got to the palace you saw Cheka, Farena and his Mother waiting 

Leona got out opening  your door then you got out taking a few steps but then you got on your knees as Cheka ran to you and you gave him a big hug "Auntie I missed you!"

you smiled "I missed you too Cheka" you kissed his cheeks then you stood up going to greet Farena and his wife 

"Greetings your Highnesses"

Farena smiled "(Y/n) it's so good to see you or should I say Queen (Y/n) of Pyroxene"

Cheka ran over to Leona hugging his leg and Leona sighed but then Farena came over patting his back "and you King Leona of Pyroxene"

Leona rolled his eyes and smirked "yeah that's right"

Cheka's mother gave you a hug "(Y/n) you look so lovely how has married life treated you"

You smiled "It's treated me well Leona is so loving and we have something Important to tell you both"

"I see do come Inside please" said Farena and you followed them inside to the Throne room and you held Leona's hand 

Farena and his wife sat on their thrones "So what is the Important news"

You looked at Leona and smiled "me and Leona are having a baby"

Cheka gasped and ran over hugging your legs "Yay!" Farena stood up and smiled "well this is most wonderful to hear Congratulations"

You stooped down and picked up Cheka "You're going to have a cousin!"

Leona smiled and he envisioned seeing you holding your baby and he was filled with even more joy he couldn't wait to be a father 

Cheka beamed "Auntie can we go outside and play!"

"of course let's go..Leona are you coming" 

Leona smiled "sure"

"Don't worry I'll have the servants take your bags to Leona's old room" said Farena and you bowed before going outside to the back of the palace which you loved it out there it was so beautiful and calm 

Leona sat down on the grass watching you run around playing tag with Cheka and you were it

Cheka was laughing as he ran "Can't catch me!"

You smiled and then you tried running faster until you caught him spinning him around then you got an idea looking over at Leona and you whispered In Cheka's ear you had a plan

you put him down and walked over to Leona "Dear I hope you won't mind playing with us"

Leona opened one eye "No"

you giggled then kissed his cheek "tag you're it" before running away with Cheka

Leona smirked "Oh so that's how you want to play"

you knew Leona was really fast so you stood no chance and he was coming at you fast 

"I'm going to catch you!"

you laughed but then he picked you up bridal style "caught ya" he then kissed you on the lips

"Alright that's enough you have to be careful" he said

you smiled "Yes I know but the baby Isn't fully developed yet I promise we'll be alright"

he then put you down on the grass so you could rest and Cheka trotted over sitting on your lap

"hey Auntie when will the baby come"

you stroked his ears "in nine months"

Cheka pouted "Aww but that's a long time" 

you smiled "I know me and your uncle feel the same way but we must have patience"Leona moved over and brought you both into his arms and you looked down putting your hand on your stomach.

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