Chapter 11

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The next morning the boy could feel someone poking him, not in the mood to wake up he kept his eyes close trying to ignore it. He could hear a mutter.

"You alive?"

It sounded far away to where he didn't know who was talking to him as he let out a groan in annoyance.

"Oh fuck this." He heard someone mutter before feeling a sharp pain on his cheek forcing him to open his eyes and sit up, already backing away till his back hits something.

"Ah fuck!" He spoke rubbing his cheek as he looks around and soon rubs his eyes as his hearing came back.

"I swear you two are going to bust his head open if you keep hitting him like that," Aizawa started pulling on Techno's ear, like a parent trying to get their child to behave.

"Well, he should have woken up earlier to prevent that," Techno argue at the teacher.

As they bicker Tommy notice that the area he was now in, which was once full of trees and color, now black in ashes with a bit of smoke still coming off of it. It seems like he was in the middle of it as it went on for, he assumed, miles upon miles from all directions. Yet he, himself was fine out of everything.

Wilbur soon came up to him and offer a hand to help him up. The boy glared at him and slap the hand away getting himself up.

"So anyone would like to tell me what the hell is going on?" Tommy asks coughing a few times by how his throat still hurts from the previous night.

"I don't know, to want to tell us why you ran without telling anyone?" Aizawa asked finally letting go of Techno ear.

"I was dealing with some stuff, it's not a big deal." He shrugs and crosses his arms.

"It is a big deal when you run off with my ax and SET A FUCKING FOREST FIRE YOU FUCKING-" Techno stops once Aizawa grabs his ear again.

"Restrain yourself," Aizawa muttered.

Tommy looks around them surprise.

"I-I did this?" Tommy manages to stutter out.

"I'm sure it was an accident, you probably failed the bond fire spell and it went everywhere. Honestly, I'm just pissed you didn't tell anyone. You know how hard it is trying to get these two to calm down once they saw the forest fire and no one knew where you were?"

"Look I get it, I made a mistake, I wasn't thinking, I had a lot on my mind and I felt like not wanting to talk about it especially since how late it was consideri-" He gets interrupted once more as his Teacher pull him into a hug.

"Tommy, don't start repeating your habit because everything is a bit different." Aizawa pulls away from him and looks him in the eyes. "You have people who care about you, don't shut them out okay?"

The boy nods earning a pat on the shoulder.

"Now there's breakfast on the wagon, go get some, we'll be going as soon we find Techno's ax," Aizawa instructed heading over to Techno to help look.

Tommy started heading in a direction only to be yelled at by Wilbur.

"Other way."

"Right I knew that," Tommy mutters going the opposite direction feeling Wilbur following him.

Throughout the walk, neither of them said a word as they reach the wagon. Tommy starts looking around a bit before seeing the so-called breakfast his teacher was talking about. It was some sort of wrap of leaves that Tommy had never seen before. He picks it up, sniffs it, and took a bite out of it. He was very much surprised by the sudden egg and meat in it.

Brothers: A Tale of a Bird and a SonKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat