part 1

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Harry still sat at the windowsill. The clock had just stroke 3 am, he was tired exhausted even but he couldn't sleep. Not like that. His stomach ached and his head was banging making him feel dizzy. The room was quiet (besides Louis' little snores) and cold.

So many thoughts were running through his head making him tear up quietly. How is he gonna tell Louis? He can't leave Louis here. The kids were mean. So mean to Harry and Louis always helped him. Been there for him. So Harry can't leave him. He needs to be there for him too.

Louis has always been there for Harry so he needs to stay here and be with the boy. He couldn't just leave him behind like that. He couldn't just abandon him, not after living together all their life.

Silent tears were running down his face. Angrily he wiped them away. Get a grip, Styles. You're always so emotional. His thoughts were increasing his headache and him crying didn't help with the pain at all. His eyes were red and swollen, his nose was running. He probably looked like a mess. A cute mess, Louis would say if he'd heard Harry say that about himself.

He looked at Louis lying in his bed. He had just turned around so his face was now looking at him. He looked so peacefully lying there. His cheekbones that Harry loved and his cute button nose that was slightly scrunched up. His lovely hair that was spread out on his pillow. His eyes were shut and Harry loved the color of his eyes. That striking blue and how they're always able to read how Harry's feeling. He saw as Louis stirred in his sleep and how his hand patted the bed next to him where Harry has been laying 5 hours ago.

"Haz?" Louis croaked out, still not opening his eyes. Harry looked at him in wonder. His thought calming down a bit just at hearing Louis' voice.

Harry hummed still not moving from the windowsill, turning his head and returning to watching the snowflakes falling down quietly. He had opened the window and listened to the quietness of their town. Feeling the snowflakes landing on his hands since he had outstretched them out of the window. The cold wind hitting his face.

He saw Louis propping himself up on his elbows through the window. he looked so cute like that with his hair all over the place and sleep still on his face. With one hand Louis rubbed his eyes while sitting up properly and pulling up the hood of his hoodie. It was always cold here since the heating doesn't work so they're always sleeping with hoodies and sweats.

"Why are you sitting at the window, love?" Louis asked him softly.

Harry turned to look at him. His eyes focusing on the boy sitting in his, well their bed. They had been sharing a bed since forever because Harry struggled with nightmares a lot. At first he always crept into Louis bed after waking up from such a dream but they soon just started sleeping in the same bed. Louis sat there looking at him with a confused but soft look in his eyes. His best friend, he wouldn't be here without him and he'll forever be thankful for everything that Louis has done for him.

Louis, being the best friend he is, instantly saw something's up with Harry and opened his arms for the younger one. Harry stood up from his seat on the windowsill and scurried towards Louis. He tucked himself against Louis chest and inhaled his lovely scent. Louis tightened his arms around him while laying them back down so that Harry's head laid on his chest. One of Louis' arms around his waist and the other one in his hair.

Louis began playing with Harry's curls and humming a tune that he's been singing to Harry since he's been a little kid. Softly he lulled the younger one to sleep not before placing a kiss to his forehead.

They didn't talk about it. He loved that about Louis because he'd never force him to talk to him. Of course he always reassured him that he'd listen no matter what, but he never forced Harry to tell him anything. Just a quiet comfort.

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