part 2

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Harry looked around the big airport on London sacredly. He's never been on an airplane before. They walk through the big entrance hall towards the terminal. Louis has his arm swung around Harry's waist protectively. They got through the security check without any problems and soon they were walking through a long slim hallway towards their plane.

A women working there smiled at them both. "You can wait here on the benches for another half an hour and then we'll walk into the plane and wait there till we can start." She said friendly.

Louis smiled at her his arm not leaving Harry's waist. "Thank you." He said.

"No worries. Your first vacation in a relationship?" She asked while winking at them. Harry became flustered and tried to get out of Louis grip due to embarrassment. Louis gripped his waist tighter and pulled him into his side. He smiled at her and just answered. "Yes." Before walking towards a bench and sitting down pulling Harry into his side. "We can't be suspicious for anyone to notice us, Haz." Louis mumbled. "Just act as we were flying on vacation so we can be far away from the airport in Greece when they notice we're gone." Louis said before laying his head on top of Harry's and closing his eyes.

Harry's eyes grew heavy and he closed his eyes as well. "Sleep for a bit Haz, I'll wake you up when we need to board." Louis said quietly and began rubbing his tummy under his big hoodie. Well Louis' big hoodie that Harry nearly drowned in.


Groaning Harry rubbed his eyes with the backhand of his fists as Louis woke him up twenty minutes later. Louis stood in front of him both hands outstretched for Harry to take. He pulled the younger one up and guided him towards the plane and their seats.

"You want the window seat?" Louis asked Harry sweetly when they were standing next to their seats. "I don't care I'll be sleeping the whole time." Harry chuckled tiredly so Louis sat down on the window seat and Harry plopped down next to him immediately cuddling into Louis side and closing his eyes again.

"Sleep well Haz, I'll be here when you wake up." Louis said quietly and played with Harry's curls while taking out his book and started reading.

Harry closed his eyes again and fell asleep immediately.


"Haz, look out the window. Isn't that beautiful?" Louis mumbled into Harry's curls two hours later. Harry opened his eyes slightly and looked out of the window.

The view was honestly breathtaking. You could see them approaching Greece's coast and Harry has never seen anything so pretty. "Wow." He breathed out. "I've never been out of England." Harry admitted.

"I'll show you the world then." Louis stated not taking his eyes off the window and the view. Harry beamed at him and laid his head back onto Louis shoulder. The two watched in awe as they approached the coat of Greece and got closer to landing.


"Lou, we're free." Was the first thing Harry said when they were stepping out of the airplane. Louis smiled at Harry and took his hand in his and twirling him around. "Yes, Haz we're free." He smiled at Harry before running off. "Catch me!" He screamed and ran off towards where they could get their suitcases back. Louis arrived there before a pouting Harry approached him huffing. Louis just laughed at him. "Don't pout, love, we're in Greece!" At that Harry grinned again.

They waited till they found Harry's big brown suitcase and Louis' smaller black one. They each took their suitcases and walked towards the exit. "Where do you feel like we should go now?" Louis asked Harry in front of the airport. "How about we take a cab and drive anywhere boats are and just ask someone really nicely if they can take us somewhere." Harry suggested.

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