part 3

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Harry got startled awake by a loud bang in the middle of the night. At first he didn't recognize his surroundings because this definitely wasn't the room he called his for the last twelve years. Then his brain caught up. Running away. Greece. Ship. Niall and Amelia and Louis.

He groaned and rubbed his eyes with the back of his closed fists. "Louis?" he mumbled tiredly. He heard a grunt and finally opened his eyes completely. Blinking a bit he saw Louis sat there on the ground looking at Harry. "I'm sorry for what happened earlier Harry." Louis said quietly. "You're drunk Louis you don't even know what you're talking about at the moment it's fine I overreacted." Harry mumbled tiredly.

"No, Harry I talked with Amelia about it and she told me that you were probably feeling left out and now I realized how big of an asshole I was for ignoring you." Louis mumbled. "Just stop Louis sleep over it you need to stand up early tomorrow." Harry said. "It's forgotten already." Harry continued before curling into himself at the end of the bed. Louis laid in bed next to him and opened his arms for Harry.

Harry curled into Louis' arms "I'm sorry for overreacting thank you for always looking out for me." Harry admired shyly. "Haz, you didn't overreact, darling. I'll always look out for you." Louis said and kissed Harry's head. He looked at Harry closely before asking. "Have you been crying love?" Harry stayed silent against Louis' chest. "I'm so so sorry, sweetheart." Louis mumbled.

Harry fell asleep quickly engulfed by Louis' scent and warmth. Louis was right he really was a cuddler.


The next morning Harry woke up to someone softly stroking his head. Harry opened one eye and saw Louis sitting on the edge of the bed looking at Harry softly. "Morning sleepyhead, we'll be at a port soon. I told Niall to let you sleep because it's been a hard evening for you yesterday. I brought you some coffee and a bagel with some cheese."

Harry smiles at him tiredly. "Thank you Louis." He mumbled. "Come on Come on get up. The weather is good we can go swimming." Louis said excitedly and pulls the covers from Harry's body. Shrieking Harry tries to grab the covers but Louis had already pulled them away from him.

"It's not like I haven't seen that pajama Haz. You've been wearing that frog costume to sleep for about 2 years thinking I didn't notice."

Harry blushed furiously. "It's cozy." he murmured. Louis only laughed while pulling up the hood of the pajama which was in frog design. "You look like a little froggie." Louis cooed. Harry groaned and tried to hide his face with his hands. "Come on Harry let's go swimming." Louis laughed not wanting to embarrass the boy any more. Louis left the room again. Harry dressed in his yellow swimming trunks and walked abroad towards where Louis and Niall were laughing about something.

Niall turned around just as Harry grabbed Louis arm to snuggle into his side and pushed him in the water making Harry shriek and pull Louis down with him. A loud splash was heard and they both laughed loudly in the water. "Harry, you should have seen your face." Niall gasps for air.

Louis ducks his head and begins swimming underwater. "Niall, the water's lovely -" a loud shriek filled the air. Louis had approached Harry from underwater and lifted him up in the air throwing him a bit. Harry landed in the water again with a loud splash. He got up gasping for air a bit and looking at Louis with a pout on his face. Louis just laughed at him as Harry swam towards him. The younger one started splashing water in Louis' face making Louis cough violently due to swallowing the water.

Niall was laughing so much he held his stomach. While Harry and Louis were bickering in the water. "Darling, don't pout I thought frogs like jumping in the water?" Louis teased him with a smug smile. Harry gasped dramatically and ducked Louis head under the water. Louis came up gasping making Harry laugh.

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