part 5

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Harry and Amelia were now standing in the kitchen preparing some Caesar salad for their diner. Louis still hasn't returned and Harry started to feel a bit uneasy. He knows he sometimes overreacted but he just can't seem to control his jealousy sometimes. It's not like Jolene and Louis did something extremely extraordinary it's just that she could do things Harry knows he couldn't do.

"Haz, stop overthinking this. Louis just found an old childhood friend they're probably just talking about their past nothing more." Amelia said kindly. Harry huffed while slicing the salad into little peaces. "Look Niall told me about a firework tonight. We can sit outside snuggled in some blankets and drink some wine, how does that sound?" She offered. Despite his fear of fireworks, he smiled at her. "Thank you." He whispered. For just being there for me. Was left unsaid. She smiled knowingly and nodded. "Not for that."

They continued doing their diner quietly after that. Only Amelia's quiet hums filled the air till the hank was being yanked open. Hopeful Harry looked up which turned into disappointment as soon as he made out Niall climbing down the ladder. "Hello darlings." He kissed Amelia lovingly and patted Harry on the back before taking out plates to place the table. They brought everything outside and placed it on the table before sliding into the booth like eating place. "Lou not coming?" Niall asked while putting some salad onto his plate. "I suppose not." Harry mumbled digging into his salad and munching on it.

Niall only hummed before taking a bite as well. "This is delicious." He praised them after trying. Harry and Amelia both giggled a bit before finishing their plates as well. "What have you been up to today, babe?" Amelia asked Niall softly.

"Met up with Calum. Is in some deep shit though. Had a one night stand some while ago and now found out that girl is pregnant. She doesn't want to abort though and now they're thinking about adoption. It breaks his heart but you know he wants to study and go to uni that's hard with a kid and living alone. The mother doesn't want to do anything with their kid." Niall told them sadly.

Harry nearly choked on his water. Coughing a bit to regain his posture. Amelia and Niall were looking at him curiously. "You good, Haz?" Amelia asked all so softly. And Harry felt guilty. So so guilty. Niall and Amelia were so kind to them, to him and he didn't even told them their real story.

"Yeah." He answered quietly. His gaze stuck on his plate.

The rest of the dinner was filled with weird tension and awkward silence. Louis still hadn't returned by the time they made the dishes and Harry started to feel really worried. The sun was just setting as the three of them climbed up the hank with blankets and a bottle of wine. Niall and Amelia cuddled into a blanket together while Harry snuggled into his alone. He leaned against the backside of the sitting booth to watch the sun setting over the water.

They were just talking about how Amelia once danced to a Rihanna song on New Year's Eve which got Harry wheezing out laughter when someone climbed up the ladder to the boat. A person came walking towards them. Even in the dark Harry could make out Louis' figure approaching them. His shoulders were huddled a bit and his head hung low. "Hi." He whispered quietly. Niall and Amelia looked at him a bit puzzled but smiled at him nonetheless as Louis plopped down next to them. The light coming from the port hit his face making his cheekbones look more prominent. What caught Harry off guard were his red puffy eyes and tear stained face.

Guilt crept up through his body and he looked at Louis intensely before opening his blanket for the older one. Louis looked a bit startled but scooted over to him anyways. "Thank you." he whispered before snuggling the blanket over them tighter.

Louis leaned his head on Harry's shoulder before whispering. "I miss them, so so much." Harry just pulled the blanket around them tighter when the first fireworks exploded in the dark night sky.

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