part 6

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Their dinner turned out to be very awkward and quiet. As much as Niall and Amelia tried to easy the tension, they soon realized that any effort couldn't make the two boys talk to each other. After a very long time Niall broke their silence by clearing his throat, "We were planning on going clubbing tonight. You know our last evening here before we take off for two days." He said a bit unsure about himself.

Harry just nodded, not being in the mood to answer them. "C'mon H! We can find yourself a hot greek guy you can hook up with!" Amelia said over enthusiastic while grinning smugly at Louis. Knowing exactly what she was trying to do Harry looked at her startled, he could feel his face flushing. What she was trying to do was absolutely absurd. Louis surely wouldn't get jealous over something like that. Croaking out a "maybe" he went back to eating his food.

Niall and Amelia were chatting happily when he felt the burning stare of someone's eyes on him. Looking up he found Louis looking at him questioningly and angry? Why would Louis be angry? It was obvious, that Louis didn't enjoy clubbing that much when he felt the need to look over Harry like some paranoid mom but why would he be angry that Harry agreed to go clubbing? Harry was annoyed. Louis didn't need to protect him from everything like a mom would protect their toddler. He was capable of doing that himself. Sending Louis an annoyed look (which probably looked more like a grumpy kitten, as Louis always tells him) he went back to aggressively picking at his pasta salad with his fork. Amelia looked at him questionably to which Harry just shoveled another fork of pasta into his mouth.

He really thought running away would finally mean having no rules, having no one who watches over him all the damn time but of course Louis had to ruin that. Stupid Louis with his stupidly beautiful face. Why does he have to have such an embarrassing crush on him. Being angry at himself he forced down the last bit of his pasta and swallowed it with a glass of water before looking at the sea absently.


His head was spinning and the music was blasting horribly loud through the speakers. He had tried to block out the queasy feeling in his stomach for a long time. His eyes were burning and his throat felt dry even though he had probably drank too much rather than not enough. He was only dancing with someone for physical support since he couldn't keep himself up alone anymore. He had long ago closed his eyes to blend out the spinning walls. Niall and Amelia had left long ago and he hasn't seen Louis since they arrived some hours ago. He honestly didn't even know what time it is.

Feeling suddenly more awake than before when he felt the man's hands move from where they were settled on his waist lower to his bum. Rough kisses were pressed to his neck making Harry's head spin. Suddenly not so conscious anymore Harry roll his head back onto the other one's shoulder. The man took that as him enjoying it hence he began sucking on Harry's neck.

Trying to get out of his grip Harry mumbled out a 'no, can't' before stumbling away. His eyes weren't even open but he tried to manage his way through the crowd.

"Louis?" he croaked out. The music was still blasting loudly and his head was running black. He couldn't think properly.

Seeing the chestnut hair somewhere dancing in the back of the room he didn't even realize Louis was dancing with somebody.

"Lou?" he croaked out again his eyes closing on their own making him stumble into someone. "Oi! Watch where you're going!" Mumbling out a sorry he tries to push through the crowd again having lost Louis out of his eyesight again. He finally stumbled into Louis clinging to his side not even caring that the older one was getting kissed up the neck by a blonde girl. Louis immediately wrapped his arms around him and tucking him into his side. Harry could hear a high pitched voice angrily grumping something but his eyes were closed where his head was lying on Louis' shoulder and he was too tired to make out what the voice was saying.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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