Hogwarts Express

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"Where is it, where is it-?" Alison, a muggle-born witch in her first year, mumbled as she looks around cluelessly.  A boy with messy hair came up to her, "Need help?" "Oh yeah, thanks!" She replied with a smile.-"Er..also- do you know where this 9 3/4 thing..?" She asked nervously, but got cut off by a girl with a ponytail, " Justin, Justin!!! Do you want to be late?"  "Hold on Liv, I'm helping someone", "Okay, okay- oooh who's this?" She added as she walked up to Alison. "Oh hi, I'm Alison, Alison Monroe" Alison said as she introduced herself. "Nice to meet ya Ally, I'm Olivia Henderson, but call me Liv." "Cool-" Before Alison could speak, the train chugged.

"Oh yay, let's go!" Liv squealed as she ran through the wall, "B-but what? I- what-" Alison stuttered, "No time to explain" the boy yelled as he grabbed her hand and ran through the same wall. "B-but-"... WHOOSH! "Wait, I didn't catch your name"Alison mumbled, she was still in shock at how fun, yet scary that was! "It's Jason, Jason Henderson" he exclaimed "Anyway I got to go my friends just sent me a text saying they're in aisle 12, bye". "Can anybody tell me what's going on here?"

A couple of minutes later Liv came and literally dragged her into a different aisle. "You know Ally" Liv started "I always wondered how muggle-borns get into Diagon Ally". "Oh, it's quite easy, Professor Hagrid just comes and takes you. Thank goodness we got the letter, or else it would've been very awkward when a 10-foot man barges into your living room" joked Allison.

An old lady with a big nose and a high-pitched voice was walking through the train "Cauldron Cakes, Treacle Tarts, Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans-". "I'll take three of everything Miss, let me just get some galleons" Liv murmured as she dug through her bag. 'Excuse me what are galleons" Allison asked nervously, she knew she should have read 'Everything you need to know about the Wizarding World' but who would read a 1,000-page book in a week?

"Muggle-born eh? Here's a brochure, trust me it'll help" and then the lady left. Just when Allison was about to start her brochure, Liv got a paper out of her very tiny bag. "How is that bag so small but so big?!" Allison asked. "Oh, that old thing? My brother was practicing spells for his homework , he's a second year, whe-" she stuffed a bean in her mouth "Oooh licorice, anyway when he was practicing his spell finally worked and he said I can use it".

Allison glanced at Liv's newspaper, the pictures were moving! She rubbed her eyes and blinked a couple of times, then she peeked at the newspaper... "Hey are those pictures moving? I know it's a stupid question but-". "Yeah they a-". Suddenly the train stopped, they were at Hogwarts!

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