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Victoria Malfoy laughed, "Hah! If my father was the headmaster, he'd totally expel you."

The trio looked behind them, "Well, it's too bad our father isn't the headmaster, I wish we had these rats taken out of school. Especially the Mudblood." Elsa Malfoy, Victoria's twin, Sneered.

Fred walked over to the Slytherin table and knocked down their glass of pumpkin juice. 

"Oi! What's your problem Weasely?!" Victoria shrieked. 

"Well, Malfoy what do you think?!" Fred shouted, A teacher was beginning to walk to the tables to figure out what was going on.

Elsa began to take out her wand, - "What's going on here?!" Hagrid yelled, glaring at them. 

"This Prat spilled pumpkin juice all over my uniform! Wait till my father hears about this..." Victoria muttered. "Malfoy was talking rubbish about me and my friends!" Fred retorted.

Allison pulled Fred back to the table, "You can't go starting an argument with someone! We'll get into even more trouble!"

"But- She was talking trash about you guys!" Fred  mumbled, "So?"

"I can't let my friends get hurt-" Fred sighed. Liv interrupted Fred, "We're your friends? I'm flattered!" Liv said in a joking manner to lighten up the mood. 

"Now leave! You're not solving anything." Elsa muttered to Hagrid. Hagrid walked away somberly, the trio frowned at her. 

"Hagrid's such an oaf," Elsa whispered to Victoria.

The Gryffindor table and Slytherin table exchanged glares. 

Shortly after, Allison checked her watch.

"...Detention is next!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2022 ⏰

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