Who's There?

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"Yum," Allison was trying some Pixie Puffs for breakfast the next day. While Liv was blabbing about their night to Jason. "Allison was scared out her mind, I on the other hand was as brave as Harry Potter". Allison caught these words faster than a snitch's wings (which she had learned when she watched Quidditch). "I was NOT!". But, Liv turned her head away in total disagreement. Before Allison could argue some more, she felt a hand on her shoulder. "This seat taken?". She turned her head around and saw Fred jr. sitting next to her. "YOU!", Liv glared at the red-headed boy. "Yeah, it's me. Expecting someone else", Fred gave her a look of disgust.

Before, they could say anything else they saw Mr. Filch walking on the pathway in the middle of the Great Hall. They all started to eat again, but Allison felt someone standing behind her. She looked up and saw that Liv and Jason's faces were pale. She looked to her left and saw Fred pale too. This is annoying, Allison muttered as she turned around. When she looked up, her jaw dropped.

Looking down on her and her friends, was Mr. Filch, the caretaker. "You girls and the red-head come with me", it was something in his voice that didn't comfort the girls. They walked along long corridors turning left and right. Then, Liv and Allison saw something unusual. There was a gargoyle in the middle of the hallway. Mr. Filch walked straight toward it. Scared to do anything else the 3 followed him. We must look stupid, Allison thought, the caretaker spoke something that sounded like "Snowy owls", correction he looks stupid. 

She regretted her words faster than you could've known. The gargoyle spun upwards, and she saw stars. Filch walked up to them with great pleasure on his face. Extremely excited too, the girls walked up the stairs eagerly. Fred on the other hand didn't seem so happy. He almost looked paler than before. Allison and Liv noticed this, " Must be the light", Liv said. Allison agreed, but she wasn't feeling eager anymore. She felt sick, and she thought she looked the part too. 

They reached a white office, Allison stared blankly at it. This was it. They were going to be expelled- for sure!

Modern Wizards (A Harry Potter Fan Fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin