The Feast

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Allison slowly walked up to the old hat. Her heart pounding against her chest. After what seemed like an eternity she reached the battered-up hat. Very slowly, she sat down on the stool. Allison very carefully put the hat on her head. Suddenly the hat started speaking, "Hhmmm.... very interesting... a lot of courage...... lovely loyalty...... wit's not bad...but I think it better be... GRYFFINDOR!" Cheers erupted from the Gryffindor table. Allison could clearly see Justin and Liv cheering too. Smiling, she sprinted over to them. "I knew you were a Gryffindor from the start," Jason said smiling. "I can't say I didn't either," Liv said honestly while smiling. Just then, Headmistress McGonagall stood up.

"I welcome you all to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. To all first years a sense of caution that you do not enter the Forbidden forest. Also, our caretaker Mr.Filch requires you all to read his list of rules. You will all be pleased to know that Hogwarts is a safe place for all young witches and wizards. And now let the feast begin."

 Allison looked at the table, it was covered in exotic, and delicious foods. "This is delicious" Jason muffled, as he helped himself to a Cauldron Cake. "Hello," a cold voice said behind Allison. "Who's there" Allison shrieked. Elsa rolled her eyes, "We got another weird Gryffindor, Belladonna" and then she once again shrieked with laughter and walked back to the Slytherin table along with her statue-like sister. "Don't let them get to you, Allison" Liv said consolingly as she patted Allison's shoulder. "Yeah, those Malfoy's are a bunch of jerks," Jason said glaring at Elsa. 

"Excuse me," Scorpius said with a grin, "Some of us aren't little brats". Allison turned around to see a boy with pale blond hair. He was smiling too, but it had happiness in it. "Nice to meet you," Scorpius said, winking. "Your Scorpius Malfoy," Jason said looking as though he saw bigfoot. "Really, I hang out with you and suddenly I'm all over the news." Scorpius continued, gesturing toward the boy next to him. Allison shifted boys and saw this one had jet black hair. "Who're you" Allison questioned the boy confused. 

"I'm Albus Severus Potter, son of Harry Potter," Albus said calmly. "No way," Liv said finally speaking. "I think we should give her it, Albus", Scorpius whispered to Albus. "You mean them, she's obviously going to tell them," Albus said pointing at Liv and Jason. "Give me what," Allison asked coolly, looking toward Scorpius and Albus. Both of them looked at each other. Finally, they gave Allison a blank piece of parchment and an envelope. "Open them both at midnight, so nobody will see it" Albus added whispering into Allison's ear. Then they both left toward the Slytherin table. 

Allison started, but then stopped. It was too risky, they could be overheard and seen. "I'll tell you later", Allison said honestly, stuffed herself with lemon meringue pie. It was the best dinner she had yet.

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