Chapter 6

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Damien POV

As soon as I get home I go upstairs and strip and head to the shower just standing there letting the water pour on me. I can't stop thinking about her she looked amazing in court and that's all I'm gonna see for the last time. 10 minutes later I decide to actually take a shower .

While dressing I hear Brittany calling my name. She's right on time cause I've been thinking about Emily since she signed those divorce papers.

"Hey ba...." before she even got to finish speaking I kissed her trying to forget about Emily. She kisses me back grabbing my sweatpants to deepen the kiss and the more she kisses the more I keep thinking about her.

I lift Brittany and she gladly wraps her legs around mine and I moved her to the nearest place in my sight which was the couch. I put her down and let her pull down my pants. I did waste no time as I pulled across her thong and rammed my dick in her pussy.

I let everything that's happened for the past couple of weeks fade and released it on to her body and she took it with no complaints. Within 30 minutes she passed out in the chair and I was left with my thoughts again feeling empty.


All the emotions I felt when she left came back. She was absolutely gorgeous never saw a beauty like her.
She was with some guy who was whispering something in her ear. I don't know but I felt jealous seeing her with another man but I reminded myself why we weren't together and I'm with my beautiful fiancé. After greeting some of my business partners I go to where Emily was standing and injected myself.

"What is it you guys are chatting about" as I see Emily talking to a well known businessman Henry Augustine

"Oh hi Mr West we were talking about..."

"Business" Emily quickly said before Henry got a chance to say something. I don't know but seeing her brought back so much memories that I just ended up getting annoyed

"Interesting and what would you know about business I hoped you haven't mistaken it for shoes and clothes." God I knew my comment upset her cause her face changed

"My how immature and small minded you've gotten Damien I wonder what is the reason"

Before I could respond the ushers came to take Brittany and I to our seat at the dinner event. I was placed with Andrew Topper and his arm candy. To say I was bored doesn't even seem fitting because all everyone seated next to wanted to know was how could they invest in my business don't get me wrong I'm not conceited but my company is exclusive and these people know this so I don't know why they continue to ask.

Everyone settles as the presentation starts to begin with Luke Hamelton walking on stage to the podium to speak.

"Good evening everyone I'm happy to have you for this special event. This is a huge role for not only me but for all of you as we are giving out the award for the most successful businessman or woman." as the crowd gives a round of applause.

"This is also a charity event and all donations will be given to the Help Fight Cancer program. I will not waste your time with a long speech. The winner for the most successful businessman or woman is Emily Pierce" I was astonished to hear that she won the award. I heard everyone cheer for her but still confused as to what her business was. She was holding the guy I saw her with hand and making her way to the podium

"Wow; Omg thank you guys. You see my success did not come from sleeping my way to the top it came from being left with nothing but  drive, perseverance and dedication to make sure my family never stays hungry."

"And I know some of you guys don't know the business I own and built from scratch or some of you think it's fashion or makeup but no I am the proud owner of Pierce Financial Corporate." Impossible was the first word that came to mind how could she own a multi billion dollar company surpassing even mine it was absolutely ridiculous

"And I am honored to take this award for the ladies. I also want to thank my family and my handsome boyfriend who came in my life some years later and never gave up on me even when times were ruff. Thank you"

After Emily's speech waiters came in with our food but I couldn't finish my meal so I got up to talk to Emily to finally get some answers.


"Can I talk to you"

"No" she said

"Listen to me I want to talk to you" I said a little more aggressive

"She said no the first time is there a problem" her date said who was really getting on my last nerves

"Don't worry I will come instead of you two causing a scene at this charity event"

Getting up she walk with me to a some random room and looked at me.

"What is so important that you must take me away from my food"

"How did you do it"

"Excuse me what are you talking bout"

"How did you start that business"

"Oh my bestfriend father was my first investor and I made back doubled of what I was suppose to so he added more investors building up to where I am but surely you didn't pull me from eating to ask something you could get answers from if you read the magazine or google so what's the issue" she says

"Why did you cheat on me"

"Pardon me"

"What evidence do you have to prove this"

"Look" I say showing the picture of her sleeping with another man on my phone

I was shock cause she just burst out laughing mocking me.

"That is not me"

"What do you mean am I blind"

"You've been fucking me since we were married and you haven't noticed the three stars
tattooed behind my neck"

"You are completely stupid and gullible but you know what's funny for you to leave me and go to with a woman so openly before you asked the woman you claimed you loved"


"I don't even want to hear your bullshit excuse you had a chance to ask but you thought I broke the vows when it was you who did goodbye" she left and I was left with my thoughts trying to figure out everything.

And livid was how I felt when the realization dawned on me that the woman who I am engaged with could've set up Lily and i was pissed.

Don't forget that your opinions matter to me so comment✅🙂

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