Chapter 12

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Zane POV

Right now I'm at Lily's penthouse to tell her that I'm in the mafia and about a potential threat and to say I'm frighten is an understatement I'm here shitting bricks because she scares me when she's angry and we're in a good place right now and I don't want to ruin what we have going on

Emily POV

Zane has just come back from his busiest trip and says he has something important I really don't know what is I'm a bit nervous

"Hey" I smile

"Hey" he half smiles

"I have Maria holding Kaden till we finish speak so let's go in my office"

"Ok" he says tensely

As soon as we enter the room I close the door and turn to face him

"Ok spill what is it you need to tell me you're making me nervous Zane "

I hear him sighed and I looked up at him

"Babe the reason I'm telling you this is because I think there's a possible threat and I want you to be aware of everything going on so please remember that everything I did was for your safety and Kaden's" he sighed

"I'm in the mafia" he says

At first I thought it was a joke but after he explained what happened to his company and what he did there's no doubt in my mind that's he's not being honest and for that I'm livid

"Are you kidding me are you fucking serious right now" I say at this point I'm shaking


"Shut the fuck up whose safety were you concerned about mine and my son? You are a selfish deceitful bitch you had 2 whole fucking years to tell me what you did and as soon as there's a possible threat to me and my fucking child you choose to say this now are you serious" all I kept thinking about was my son my baby boy in danger because of recklessness and that is sending me mad

"I didn't want to scare you away I love you 'Em"

"That was not your decision to make Zane the moment you trusted me and I trusted you is when you should've told me I have a fucking child to support and worry about
It was my decision to stay or leave but you wait till me and my son are fucking attached to you to drop this shit are you crazy"

"That, that was never my intention"

"Shut up and leave......NOW" I screamed

"Babe please I love  please I know you're upset but...."

"Upset you think I'm upset
My child is in danger and you think I'm upset" I start laughing

"I gonna say this one last time leave" I said coldly

Hey guys sorry for the cliffhanger the next chapter will focus on explaining everything that's happened I know the chapter is quite short but there's a lot of flashbacks that's going to happen so you will get longer chapters I need you guys to be patient with me

I hoped you enjoyed chapter 12
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