Chapter 8

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Emily POV

I can't believe how stupid that jackass is I mean he's been fucking me for years and doesn't remember the tattoo in my neck when someone photoshopped a picture of me.

I had a lot on my mind and if it's one thing I know about my Ex husband is that he will find out what happened and I'm will make sure he doesn't find out about my son.

Something important came up with the pharmaceutical company and it called for Zane's attention so i don't know when he'll be back. The limousine comes to a stop and I get out and got to my penthouse

"Hey Maria"

"How was kaden"

"He was a bit restless when you left he wanted you to stay but I told him you would be back soon he went sleep like 10 minutes ago"

"Ok thank you, I'll see you in the morning"

I go to his room and see him sleeping I give him a kiss and was going to head out.

"Mummy please don't go can you sleep with me"  he's my soft spot in this cruel world and I will never deny my son

"Ok my love"

Next Day
I woke up and bathed dressed and made myself breakfast and coffee and started to make some phone calls.

"Hey Timothy this is Emily"

"Emily how are you I haven't heard from you in a while what's up"

"Well you're the best P.I. I know and I need you to do something for me since I have a feeling my ex husband will be looking for you're assistance"

"And what's that"

"Well he will be looking to hire you and I'm not going to stop you from getting your money but I'm willing to pay you so you don't tell him any information about my son Kaden"

"You have a son"

"Yes and he's my world and I don't need someone like him neglecting my son"

"Ok Ms Pierce I'll accept"

"Oh and Timothy if I find out that he knows anything about my child I will have no choice but to stop your business are we clear"

"Yes Ms Pierce"

"And spread the word to every P.I out there if they help him they go down with you as well goodbye" I didn't mean to be harsh but I don't want him hurting Kaden like he did me

"Good morning mummy"

"Morning pumpkin come and get something to eat I don't want you to be late for school"

"Ok mum"

"I quickly give him his breakfast and went and sort out his school uniform"

"Mummy I finish"

"Ok sweetie go take a shower"

Shortly after my son came out the shower and I help him got dress and take him to school.


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