Chapter 14

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Emily POV

I can't do this
I'm so frustrated right now
Tears coming from my eyes

I'm so overwhelmed exhausted and mentally drained and it seems I can't catch a break cause this bitch slap me in my face after doing all the shit she did to me thinking I was going to spare her

The whore ruined my marriage over jealousy and then has the nerve to slap me....angry doesn't even define how I feel murderous is the word to which I feel

I call chad to vent because he's more like my bestfriend/therapist

"Hey cupcake"


"What happened" I sighed he knows when something is off he knows me too well I sighed

"So Zane has the audacity to tell me his real line of work which has now put my son and I on the radar"

"And what exactly does he do"

"He's the head of the Italian Mafia Chad" I hear Chad laugh and stop when I don't

"What no Em are you for real"

"Yes he told me I'm potentially in danger but he's working on it"

"How the fuck am I to function in my day to day activities knowing my child can be kidnapped or killed at any moment Chad
Also Zane had 2 years to tell me and didn't and honestly I feel betrayed"

"And you have all rights to feel that way he had ample time to fess up but he didn't "

"That's not even the best part Brittany had the nerve to slap me in face because I made Damien humiliate her on national television as if I control what he does"

"Oh god what did you"

"I shot her in the hand she slap me with"

"Damn remind me to call you if I need back up" I laugh at the joke and sighed once more

"I need a drink but first I need to tell Damien about Kaden"

"You do you've been tense and it's been a while since we've been to the club together also do you need me to come with you when you drop the news"

"Thanks but I need to do this on my own and don't he'll fall in line cause I'll shoot him if he acts up"

"Okay call me when you're leaving his place I'll pick you up"


I take my bag and the files on my desk and head to my car with 2 security guards stationed by my side

20 minutes later I pull in to my driveway and meet Sam to get today's report

"Hi Miss Pierce"

"Sam we've had this conversation already you're like family call me Emily"he smiles and I return it

"I have your report here"

"Thank you"

I go inside bathe and put on the clothes I'm going to where to the club

I make sure Sam knows where I'm going and head to Damien's house


Damien POV

My house maid informed me that someone was here to see me so I headed downstairs to find Emily



"We need to talk it's important"

"Oh ok let's go to my office"

I walk upstairs and open the door for her and lock it when she's inside

"So what's so important"

"4 years ago I came to your workplace with life changing news but I caught you going at it with my best friend but before I came to you I went to the doctor and hand found out I was pregnant" she sighed and looked away from me and focused her gaze on irrelevant things

I was shocked and worried about what she may say next I've never been so anxious

"I came to the office to give you the news but you know what transpired I left you and had my baby our baby his name is Kaden Armani Pierce he needs now more than"

"Are serious you kept him from me Emily we could have raised him"

"And what let the whore have a hand in raising my son as well"

"Our son our and clearly you only thought of you when you had him
I missed his first words his first steps the cutting of his umbilical cord Emily have some fucking empathy"

"Empathy you think a broken hearted pregnant woman would have empathy towards her husband fucking her best friend while he asked for a divorce "

"And I regretted the entire situation Em"

"You regret it because at the charity event you did what you were supposed to do from the very beginning confront me and when you asked me you realize your mistake so don't blame me for being selfish and keeping my son from you"

"Look at me Emily"

"LOOK AT ME"I shout

"I love you i always did and still do but the moment I found out that you cheated on me I was blindsided I never knew you would do that to me you so I stayed with Brittany because at the time I thought she was honest I even had the pictures investigated to see if it was photoshopped but she had real people posed as you and I know I hurt you I always knew but now it hurts me to know I caused you this pain for something you didn't do and I genuinely and sincerely apologize but separating me from our child is something you shouldn't have done"

"You hurt me so much you know that" a small tear came from her eye but she quickly wipe it away

"I want you to look me in the eyes when I say this"she looks at me with those beautiful eyes and I fall for her again

"I'm sorry for putting you through that....I'm sorry"

I walk up to her and did the only thing I could've done to show her how sorry I was and pulled her and kissed her

Hey Lovie's thank you for supporting my story and also waiting for the update
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Also I love that you guys are engaging with me and sharing your thoughts but please don't forget this is my story so stop asking me to do things your way I'm open to your opinions and if I like some of them I'll take in to consideration that's it
Anyway love y'all❤️

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