Chapter 13

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Emily POV

Paranoid is how I feel right now it's been 2 days since I found out what Zane's real profession is and I've removed my son from school and home schooled my son I've also triple my security team and made sure they are armed

I took Kaden at work with me today because I want him with me at all times now it helps keep my mind at ease knowing he's with me

Right now my son is on his tablet in my office playing games while I'm going through a document on my computer when I hear my assistant distress

"Excuse me miss you can't go up there without an appointment" my assistant says as I get closer to where the commotion is coming from

"I'm not leaving till I see her" I hear another voice say


"Did you not understand me" the unfamiliar voice says


"What's going on here" I say

"Miss Pierce this lady is demanding to speak to you" I look to where the woman was standing to see Brittany I sighed I already have enough on my plate to deal with my tolerance level is too low to put with this bitch

"Girl I don't have time for the bullshit today state what it is you're here for so I can get back to work" I say

"You bitch you took him away from me" she yells is this fool serious right now

"You made him humiliate me on national television you made him throw me out the house" I stare at her with a blank face because that's all I could manage

"YOU did that to yourself don't blame me for you actions whore it was you who thought that after sleeping with my ex husband you would've live this fairytale life with him but you forgot karma is a bitch you ....."before I could finish I felt my face twist to a side and a burning sensation all on my cheek

"You don't get to disrespect after you made my fiancé leave me bitch"she screamed

Did this bitch really hit me I started laughing
I thought about everything that I've been through for the past 4 years that this bitch caused and started laughing

I calmly walked into my office and went for my handbag and pulled out my Glock I look at my son and smiled

"Baby" I say

"Yes mommy"

"Go in the bathroom and lock the door till mommy comes back okay"


"No buts Kaden just do what mommy says okay" he nods his head and goes in the bathroom I wait till I hear the door lock and walk back out

Without flinching I took my gun and shoot Brittany in the hand hearing the scream ringing in my ears

"Listen to me and listen to me real good if you so much as look in my direction I will kill you if you put your hands on me again I'll kill you if you show up at my place of work again I will kill you" I see her crying snot dripping from her nose and she's trembling

I look at my now terrified assistant and tell her to get security escort her out of here and walk back in my office

"Baby you can come out now" I see him come out of the bathroom and run to me I pick him and whispered to him let's go home

Hey Guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to vote comment and share this story!!!!!

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