Chapter 5

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As I turned onto the pavement of my street, all the anger that had subsided in me came back with a rush after I caught sight of my house. I need to know it all. I will no longer stay in the dark. I want to know everything…and I mean everything! About my parents and who exactly were they. This can continue no more. It cannot. Hell, I wouldn’t even let it.

I opened the gate of my house and made my way to the door slowly as I prepared myself for the confrontation. The tiny, brittle stones of the walkway crunched under my feet whilst I counted my footsteps leading me towards the door.




Should I do it? What if it doesn’t yield any result like always?




No, I should do it. I am the daughter for god’s sake. I deserve some answers.




Yes, she has to answer. She better. I won’t let her get away this time or deviate my attention cleverly, like she always did.




Today, I won’t take a ‘no’ for an answer. I have to know the truth. I want it and I will get it.




Stay calm. Don’t let her know what’s on your mind.  After that, just surprise her with your question. Scratch that. Surprise her with your demand.

I smiled at the thought of being clever and secretly praised myself. Nice plan, Ray. If she gets to hide huge stuff from you about your parents, you sure can be a bit cunning at the way you force the truth out of her. She is escaping nowhere today.

I finally reached the door and after ringing the bell, wait in anticipation.

Five minutes. Still no answer to the bell. Oh gods. Let her not be out again.

She will never answer my question on my parents. And then this, stay out of the house half the time. Let her come back. I am going to literally force the truth out of her. I reached my hand towards the bell for the second time today and rang it. After two more minutes of waiting, still no answer.

Letting out a huff, I bent down and picked up the welcome mat, revealing the key. On having unlocked the door, I placed the key right back in its place and shut the door.

I raced upto my room, still fuming over my oh-so-busy Aunt Kayla and flinged myself on the bed.

Uggh. Those rare periods, when I really needed her, she decided to stay away. She seemed to have some annoying uncanny ability of knowing that I will need her and every time I will be in need of her, she will decide to stay out of the way.

“Oh I foresee that Rayna will need me today. I HAVE to get out of the house now!”

 Surely, she must have left another cheery note on the fridge for me to come and find. The usual!

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