Chapter 2

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Rayna's POV

My eyes saw nothing but light. It was so bright that it hurt my eyes. Such brightness couldn't be possible right? As my eyes got adjusted to the luminance around me, I took in my surroundings. I was in a cave like place. However, when I looked above me, I couldn't see the top of the cave. This cave was emitting a strange light; something that you can never find in this world. It was a resplendent sight. The colour was a mix of red, purple, blue, green and orange with a nice yellow tint to it. But something about this place gave me the creepy feeling at the base of my neck. It felt like the beauty and the light was only a cover for hiding the actual darkness this place held. And then...I heard it. The scream. Again.

It came from behind me. I turned only to face the outlet to the cave. But I knew better than to think it as an outlet. I knew that it lead to the more murkier part of this place. I had landed in the safest place. However, the screams made me to take the outlet and go investigate. I have no clue as to why I do this but my curious nature always makes me nose into other people's matter even though I know that it's wrong.

I go into the outlet. The outlet was more like a tube. As I walked through it, I heard the screams getting louder and my nerves getting shakier. After 30 seconds of walking, I come to the end of the outlet...and meet a sight which I cannot understand. The outlet lead to a Brobdingnagian room which was filled with cages. The cages were of all sizes and they consisted no one. However, that was not the fact that struck me. What struck me was what the cages did contain. The floor of them were filled with blood and extremely loud screams were coming from underneath them. Nonetheless, the source of this immense noise was void of sight. The creepy feeling on my neck increased and the intelligent side of me told me to make my exit from 'the screaming room' as I had named it.

I looked around and saw that at the farthest side of this room, there was a small opening and it had 'EXIT' written over it. I know that it wasn't 'exit' but as it was pretty close to it, I decided to give that opening a try. I walked towards that door and that's when I noticed what I was walking on.
It was a road made of small decayed bones.
I am normally not the kind of girl who gets freaked out but, come on! Who wouldn't get freaked out while walking on a mass of bones which was doing the work of a road!

I increased my steps and finally reached the opening. The opening was just enough for me to squeeze through. As I came out to the other side of the opening, all I saw was a black wall. Great! I came the wrong way! I turned back to go but banged face-on with a tree trunk!

Okay, so, where did the opening go? And, why is the tree trunk standing in the middle of nowhere? I felt panic building up inside me as I turned to face the black wall again. But this time, I was up for some surprise.

The scene I saw in front of me was not natural. The black wall just spiraled out of existence leaving me facing the edge of the woods. I took in my new surroundings as I turned around and saw that I was in a round meadow which was lined by a forest and had a tree in the very vertex of it. It was the tree I had crashed into. Hmm, what was all that about?
I was disturbed out of my train of thoughts with the sound of running feet. The sound came from behind me. I looked back just in time to see a girl running --as if for her life-- into the forest.

The next thing I know, I was running behind her. I have no clue why but I felt that she had the answers to my million questions. For some reason, she was running frantically... as if she wanted to leave the world behind her. I don't know about the world, but she was definitely leaving me behind. I hadn't taken much notice of the weather at first, but now, while running, I noticed for the first time that it was too cold for outdoor exercise.

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