Mystique - Descripto!

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Do you believe in magic? No? Hell! Even I didn't, but that was way before I came across my roots..........


Rayna Judith Chester is an ordinary 16 yr old girl --- well at least that's what she thinks she is. Not even in her wildest dreams did she imagine that she was calling a web of lies..... her life. All she wanted was a grand graduation, a super-duper job, and all those things which make up a normal life. Nothing which drew too much attention on her, right?

But......what happens when she is drawn into a world against her wish, discovers secrets she didn't want and learns shocking truths about her OWN life? And the only person whom she can consider normal is a guy. Unfortunately, they both have mutual feelings towards each other..........which is of hatred.

She had always earned for adventure but this was way more than she had bargained for. Left all alone what will Rayna do?

Trapped in a web of conspiracy, espionage, deceit, intrigue, murder, lies, puzzles, magic, and love, will she be ever able to race against time to save her world, uncover her past and also bring an end to the most evil magician alive in the world?

For the answer to this question, read this thrilling, adventurous, suspenseful and romantic novel.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/N= Hey guys! VAS HAPPENIN?! Those sentences and words...well...were our description for our brand new FIRST-novel..'mystique'!! We are super excited, done loads of hard work for this :). So plz fan us! Don't forget to comment and vote too!!

-_- It wont really take up too much do do do it! We promise we'll put in our best for this book :) 

Stars and Lollipops,

Lia and Rima <33

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