Chapter 4

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This is not edited. 

Banner on the side made by the amazing GeorgieKakashi :D



I enter the already half-full class and let my eyes take in the view of my new history class. Last term, I was in A-block but this term is different. It's a whole new sector that I am made to come to. I am in B-block now where the seniors go. The class rooms are different here, but, I have to give them credit because this one is loads better than our previous class. This class has soft boards around the back of the class which are filled with some papers of whose matter I have no clue; it also has various banners and flyers on all the upcoming plays on history topics. Towards the left it is full of windows which look out at the amazing breathtaking view of the coniferous forest outside. The right of the classroom has shelves which hold each students project work. The best part, however, is the place where I will get comfortable for listening to a lecture. Instead of chairs, there are small single-seat couches with a table in front of each.

Wow, this is totally cool. I am so going to enjoy myself.  

As the last bell goes off, I realize that I have been standing beside the door admiring my new class. I quickly shuffle to a seat near the back of the class which happened to be near the window.

As I settle down on my comfortable red couch and place my books on my table, I notice a dark-haired girl sizing me up with a disapproving look. I take one look at her and decide that it would be better if I say something because she looked as if she was the queen out here.

"Excuse me but, may I know who gave you the liberty to size people up?"  

She looked taken aback. You don't exactly expect someone to be so blunt about their thoughts, do you? But I have found through experience that showing yourself as blunt and straight-forward makes people consider you as strong and that is what I want them to think about me. 

"What?? I was just looking." 

I narrow my eyes at her and say, "Well, you better stop looking then." 

She throws me and angry look and retorts back, "listen, you're no special person! I just noticed that you are wearing the same shoes as me and mine is a premier version one so I don't want anyone else wearing it. At least not you!"

I give her one ridiculous look and decide that I would be ruder by ignoring her. To help me accomplish my goal, I spot Charlotte, a girl from my English class last term, just hurrying into the classroom. The class was still noisy so I shout out to her and ask her to come and sit near me. Charlotte looks up at me and nods her head with a smile. I sneak a look at the shoe-bitch and gladly find her looking as if I stuck a stinking raw fish down her throat. 

"Hey! How are you?" I move my eyes away from the shoe girl and look up to see Charlotte's face looking at me. She ignores the other girl and comes and sits in the couch beside me.  

"I am fine. How about you?" 

"Same as usual. Who is the history professor any idea?" 

I was about to answer back to her when I noticed that shoe girl get off her seat for it to be occupied by a pale-skinned guy. I turn my attention back at Charlotte. 

"Now that you mention him, I wonder where he is. If it is who I am thinking, then you will love him!" 

"Oh, it's a 'he' then. I heard some people saying that it will be Ms.Tusdale. They were like history will become more like our nap-time if it is her." 

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