Chapter 8

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Note: Rayna's bestfriend, Taylor's name has been changed to Diana. Enjoy :)


No Facebook. No Twitter. Not even a measly, outdated orkut.

I bit my lip harder, as I ran my index finger over the mouse, making the results scroll. There wasn’t a single mention of him either. Where had he come from? Jupiter?

‘Did you mean: Kenneth Starr, Kenneth Senior, Kenneth Sadler?’

No internet, I meant Kenneth Sadior, who probably disappeared off the face of the earth during the previous years. I clicked on images and a small giggle escaped my mouth as I spotted Marilyn Monroe among the various search results.

The vast internet world was supposed to have information. But no! It couldn’t even locate a Kenneth Sadior and assumed that Marilyn Monroe was the same as Kenneth Sadior.

I went back to the web from images and tried something else. I saw the words appearing on the search tool as I punched them on the keyboard.

‘Kenneth Sadior’s school records.’

Clicking on the search button for the second time today, I felt a tiny bubble of hope rise in me as the result screen appeared.

Then, I saw it.

‘Welford Academy, Kenneth Sadior’

I clicked on it and I pushed myself forward towards the laptop screen full of anticipation.

Now, I will know about Ken. Sure, various Kenneth Sadiors exist in the world but it is quite an uncommon name.

Welford Academy’s Website’s homepage appeared. I looked around the screen until I located the ‘students’ hyperlink. Clicking on the mouse, I saw the school magazine come into view.  

I quickly browsed through it not wanting to dwell upon who had won which trophy for the school. Just when I was about to lose hope, I noticed a caption in the magazine titled, ‘Kenneth Sadior expelled.’

Cold fear gripped me as I read the article.

It told that a 17 year old boy, who was known as a good boxer, had been accused of bullying earlier that year. Due to his nice records in the previous years, the principal had overlooked the accusation. However, last month, the bullied people had gathered sufficient proof of his true nature and succeeded in getting him rusticated. Later, due to some unknown reason, he had been expelled from the academy.

Reports from various students stated that he had never been a pleasant fellow and liked to keep him to himself. He was a strong guy and the champion boxer of the school and hence, his fellow peers never had the courage to stand up to him.

At the end of the article, the writer just said a few words against bullying.

I clamped my laptop shut as I faced the facts that I had just received. I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose between my thumb and index finger in order to calm myself.

No, it couldn’t be possible. I had just told that various Kenneth Sadiors probably exist in the world. It was just a stupid coincidence. The Ken, who had helped me so much and had been such a nice guy to me, couldn’t be a bully.

“He’s probably not interested in any kind of social networking sites and perhaps his previous school, unlike many other schools, doesn’t have a website or any records on the internet,” I concluded, voicing my thoughts aloud.

Even then, I didn’t feel any better. There was something about Ken; something really mysterious that felt wrong and made me curious.

Suddenly, my phone’s ringtone tore me out of my thoughts. My eyes shot open and I looked around wildly until I located my phone. I reached out towards it and picked up the call without glancing at the caller ID.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2013 ⏰

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