Chapter 3

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Breathe in, breathe out. Repeat procedure.

What happened to first impression? Chuck that. All that was on my mind was me, school, and now.

I swung my legs out of bed and couldn’t help but let out a small squeak as the soles of my feet met the freezing cold floor. 

‘No time Ray, no time’ I muttered to myself.  All this could definitely wait. No actually, it has to wait. It was already 7.50 am and I was not out of my house and off to school like I should have been.

Mission? Get my lazy butt moving out of the house in 15 minutes. Not impossible. But, hard? Yes. I scurried towards my mirror and let my look sink in. Today was one of those days when my hair decided to look like a bird’s nest and my skin looked so blotched that it’s better not to go into the depth of it all. Basically my body thought it was perfectly alright to look pathetic. It looked like I had to rock the homeless-person look today. Opening my mahogany cupboard doors, I don’t even bother to search for a decent outfit. Whatever my hand decided to grab would have to do. I snatch a grey off-shoulder top with ‘LET IT BE’ written in bold black letters across it and a snazzy baggy pant.

‘Hmm, not bad’ I thought to myself.

After struggling for a whole two minutes to undress (thanks to my sleepiness) I was finally into my clothes and could call myself dressed. Next challenge was my beautiful hair. I just hoped the comb wouldn’t break while trying to untangle my mess of a hair. Spraying on some hairspray to loosen the tangles, I finally managed to comb my black hair in an almost human manner. I then applied some lip gloss to my lip.

I checked myself in the mirror again and concluded that I didn’t look all that bad for the first day. Maybe I’m not dressed up and all, but I am no cheerleader!

I scan my room for my bag when my eyes land on my bean-bag where my bag was dumped by me the previous night. I jog to my bag and slung it across my shoulder. I grab my watch from my bean bag(I have no idea why but I tend to dump all my stuff on my bean bag). While struggling to wear a watch in one hand, something I cannot and will not live without, I opened my chestnut door and rushed down the stairs. Well good thing I didn’t break my neck or something. Cookie points to me. Chocolate chips or vanilla, I wonder.

I went inside the kitchen to find a note stuck to my fridge. It’s probably the usual. My eyes flew over the note.

‘Hello Rayna darling! I’m out for some work sorry! I hope you aren’t reading this at 8 are you?’

As I read those words I came to a halt and looked at the clock.8’o clock alright.

‘And you better not have worn that off-shoulder top of yours! First impression, you know right?’

Great! Sorry aunt, advice not taken.

‘But to make your work easier your breakfast is on the table!’ 

As if on cue, my eyes immediately darted towards the table. Oh, good old aunt!!

‘Enjoy your day! I want all the details when I’m back! And I mean it...All!’

I let out a chuckle as I read the last line. That’s my Aunt Kayla for you!

Briskly walking over to the table I lifted the ceramic plate covering my breakfast. My real yummy breakfast. My nostrils were immediately flooded with the aromatic smell. Oh goodness.

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