Chapter 2

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We zoom in Australia where the Federation of south America are preparing for the liberation of the three nations of the Philippines New Zealand and Indonesia

as for the Japanese were given home for them to live in the city which the federation has built along with many of them joining the federation army and are trained well along with using advanced weapons as for those that have skills in piloting a mobile suits are trained by blagoj personatily and are pushed to the limit enough said

Somewhere in New Zealand a Resistance Group is fighting against the occupatorse but before the Britannians  can kill them they were shoot by federation soldiers as they cut off all communications with the country and are invading it the forces are  led by Blagoj and Oroku Saki who are meeting with the resistance leaders

New zealand resistance leader:we want to thank you for supporting us

Blagoj:its no problem i hate empires and monarchies which will lead to the collapse of nations

New Zealand Resistance Leader:still thanks too you we have the viceroy on the run we need to capture or kill him to end this battle

Saki:is there anything that you know about Britannia Forces in the nation

New Zealand Resistance leader:still there is a research facility which are producing a new Knightmare Frame

Blagoj:we need to secure the facility at all cost lets continue

the battle

we see across the battlefield britannian troops are being eliminated their knightmare frames and other vehicles are being destroyed easily and with many surrendering to the federation forces they push forward towards the Viceroy Palace

Viceroy:whats going on

Britannia soldier:sir we need to reatreat ahhhh the soldier was killed as the viceroy was shocked too see soldiers of unknown nation invading

Viceroy:who are you fools

Blagoj:who are we is not your consern surrender your forces are wiped and all communications is cut off you have no choise


Blagoj:so be it as blagoj knocks the viceroy down as his men take him outside where the resistance brutally kill him with the viceroy dead the nation of New Zealand is safe from Britannia

As well as The scientist were captured and all Knightmare frames were taken by the federation to be studied along with helping the nation with building its own military the Nation chose to join forces with the Federation to free the world from tyranny  with a new flag designed

while on the other side in the world the Philippines are being liberated by the federation forces led by Marcus annihiliated the Britannia forces sinking their navy and arresting the viceroy for his crimes against humanity the nation is being rebu...

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while on the other side in the world the Philippines are being liberated by the federation forces led by Marcus annihiliated the Britannia forces sinking their navy and arresting the viceroy for his crimes against humanity the nation is being rebuilt and with its militiary and economy rising along with receiving aid from the federation along with designing a new flag

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