Chapter 11

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we zoom in Australia where Blagoj Marcus Radec Thrawn Kronen Logan and David along with Shredder being here are discusing the next phase of the war

Blagoj:our troops have taken kanime island along with our allies reporting these Elevators being IN THE IR TERRITORIES UNDER

THEIR CONTROL  here so far we have cut off the emperor plan but to end this war and draw him and his geass order out we need to liberate Japan how goes the Preparation

Marcus:our navy and space assets are prepared for the Battle Katase JFA are ready to take back their nation along with the black knights as for the Britannia Prisoners they are keep locked and made sure they wont escape Australia

Blagoj:good Radec Thrawn report your status

Thrawn:sir i was able to meet Xingke and he has agreed to an alliance already we managed to eliminate the High Eunchins he also agreed to send support in our invasion of Japan also he gave us a warning of Sawasaki

Radec:who is this Sawasaki exactly

Blagoj:from what our spies found out he was part of the old Japan Goverment and wanted to convince the people to fight against Brtiannia forces which failed so he ended up in the Chinese Federation

Thrawn:should we Tell Kronen to eliminate him

Blagoj:Kronen you orders are to eliminate Sawasaki at all cost you will be aided by shredder and his foot clan eliminate that dictator

Kronen:dont worry sir i will get it done should i start now

Blagoj:go assemble your team terminate sawasaki

Kronen:yes sir it will be done

as Kronen and Shredder left to assemble their forces and eliminate Sawasaki and those that follow him the rest of the meeting went on normal with reports of the liberated nations agreeing to send help as long as the FDA DEFEND THEM WHICH THEY AGREED AT THE SAMETIME

Marcus and Blagoj are going to visit the prisoners as they enter the prison they were still being locked as they aproach their location

Marcus:so how is everyone doing  in their rooms

Cornelia:so you came here to kill us

Blagoj:nah we arent we are here to tell you the truth of what the emperor is planing

Guilford:what do you mean

Darlton:what are you talking about

Euphemia:what is our father goal exactly

Monica:we wish to know

Nonette:so start talking

Blagoj:alright so he explains everything the emperor plan the geass order vv the thought elevators and  their connection to the c world etc along with his other projects the emperor has planed along with Marybell and her Glinda knights being told made them horrified with Ashley even telling logan to pay up on the bet they made

as the day was ending the Li Britannia sibling their knights Marybell and her glinda knights along with those that follow them said they needed time to think and he told them to think about all

while all across Japan the Black knights and Zero are planning along with The FDA TO Liberate Japan Operation Rising sun will commence in 24 hours

To Be Continued

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