Chapter 12

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Operation:Rising Sun is Go 

We Zoom At a Large FDA Invasion Force Which are approaching Japan along with them is The JAF  which are joining the assault 

At the Bridge Blagoj is meeting with his allies on The Screen and this is how it went  

Blagoj:alright so we know the plan Right everyone 

Katase:my troops will secure the beaches and press inland while taking out any Britannia Troops in the area 

Zero:my knights will be attacking the Enemy Troops in the City and with help from all the resistance groups we are ready 

Blagoj:good Katase Zero Begin your attack the Rest of you begin Bombardment 

Coalition:Yes Sir 

As the Coalition Begin Bombarding the Coastline and their Forces Land on the Beaches slaughtering Britannia Troops as they begun bringing their troops vehicles and Mobile Suits in Japan South Region 

While in the North Radec and Marcus seized the northern island and have wiped out all enemies with their allies 

Radec:you know what these new Destroy Proved useful in wipeing the pathetic Britannia 

Marcus:yea lets secure the Region Before we Move On 

Coalition:yes sir 

As they Fortify The Northen Region of Japan with Both The North and South Secured The Coalition Begins the Invasion on Tokyo Settelement itself 

As For Britannia Reinforcements are  Being Eliminated 

Easily especially in Hawalli Where The North  American Union With the FDA And Coalition have landed and Wiped out all enemy Forces in The Region 

As Britannia Warships were Being Sunk while The Remaining Troops Have Surrenderd 

As For In Japan Blagoj and His Allies have almost Taken the Entire Country exept Tokyo settelement is the only Target 

Blagoj:status report

Union Commander:sir hawalli is secured the Britannia wont be receiving any reinforcements still  we Have Information that From The Homeland they will arrive in 2 mouths so you better seize Tokyo 

German Commander:he speaka the truth we will already fortified our territories and have liberated the nations we lost 

 Blagoj:understood as the transmission ends 

Blagoj and Zero along With The Coalition Have Begun Their Plans 

Meanwhile Schnizel begun issuing an evacuation order to Save As many Britannia soldiers and Civilians all while The Coalition 

Have Finished their Preparations to Take Tokyo

Blagoj:all Forces Commence operation

As the FDA and Their Allies Begin the Attack the Sounds of explosions have already been heard as The FDA and Their Allies have Begun their attack  as Mobile suits and other vehicles have opened fire meeting their enemies on the field of battle Blagoj and Lelouch in their personal Machines thought this battle will soon end in our victory and the United States of Japan will be Established as the attack on

On The Settelement  have begun the question still matters how many lives or soldiers will be lost in this battle to take Tokyo and end the Occupation find out in the next chapter as the attack have begun already

Let the Battle Commence so who would win find out in the next chapter

To Be Continued as the sounds of explosion are heard

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