Chapter 19

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Operation:Fall of Monarchy

Objectives:seize the Mainland of Britannia

Good luck 

we zoom in Hawail where the coalition have finished preparing their preparations and set sail towards the main land

to begin the invasion as they were reaching the area

we see on the coast a Britannia soldier and his dog looking too see a large invasion force

approaching  as he looked to see this massive force several battleships opened fire on the beach and their troops were landing as the Britannia retaliated with their knightmare frames all around the west coast

had fallen with two days of heavy fighting while at the same time

the invasion was expanded across the entire Empire Territorie

as battles were being waged in south America with heavy fighting as mobile suits and Knightmare frames were killing each other

as the battlefield intensified the coalition managed to liberate south America and have already seized Canada and Greenland from the enemy occupation

as the war against Britannia intensifies

the Varkist German Reich and the Chinese Federation join the war to liberate the nations that have fallen to The empire

control as the war escalates with the east coast falling under coalition control

they march forward to Pendragon to seize the capital and end the empires rain will they sucsead in this battle or will they  fail we will find out

soon as the war of liberation is about to end

with Britannia no more and the FDA The North American Union and Varkist Germany will be heading back towards their home world and will leave the future in the hands of Euphemia and Lelouch or Zero as he is called for them

to create a peaceful world for all of mankind and to prepare for any future threats they will face sooner than you think let the battle begin

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